You can use this method to create a subsequent Addressesinfotype record (0006). This takes Australian-specific features into account. Example: An employee lives in street 'A' and city 'A'. This data is stored in the Addressess
infotype (0006) for the validity period from 01/01/1990 - 12/31/1999. The employee moves on 01/01/1997. The new address is street 'B' in city 'A'. You can use the CREATESUCCESSOR method to create a subsequent Addresses record (0006). The subsequent record contains the data of the previous record, only the Street/house number
field has to be changed. The previous record is delimited on 12/31/1996. NotesMessages are transferred to the RETURN parameter. The relevantparameter documentation contains the return values and their meanings. The key fields used by the method are described in the parameter documentation.
You can only use this method if you call the ENQUEUE method of the business object EMPLOYEE first. For more information on the ENQUEUE method, see the documentation on the function module BAPI_EMPLOYEE_ENQUEUE.