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The business object Business area is the organizational unit in
external accounting that corresponds to a selected area of activity or
responsibility within an organization to which the value movements entered in financial accounting can be assigned.


A business area is derived partially from information (material, plant,
cost center) that is entered for business transactions such as goods
movement. To determine which information is used, assignments are made
(cost center to business area) or combinations of details are defined
(plant and division) that, put together, constitute a business area.


Business areas primarily serve reporting procedures external to an
organization that exclude company codes and use significant fields of activity of an organization (like product lines) instead.

All essential financial statement items such as fixed assets,
receivables, payables, or stock on hand, as well as all profit and loss
statement items, can be assigned directly to a business area. In
contrast, the bank, equity, and tax financial statement items may not
be assigned manually or only indirectly. Commercial or tax law-related
closing statements cannot be made on business area level for this reason. You can only use business area balance sheets as well as
business area- related profit and loss statements for internal reporting procedures.



Available Methods

  • ExistenceCheck : Check if business area exists [ BAPI_BUSINESSAREA_EXISTENCECHK ]
  • GetDetail : Business Area Details [ BAPI_BUSINESSAREA_GETDETAIL ]
  • GetList : List of Business Areas [ BAPI_BUSINESSAREA_GETLIST ]




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This method enables the user to access further information about abusiness area. A return code and details determined by the system are returned.


The same authorization checks are carried out under this method as takeplace when displaying information within an R/3 transaction.

The system does not convert the input parameter BUSINESSAREAID, meaningthat leading blank characters within this parameter are not cleared.

Depending upon the LANGUAGE parameter, any description, in so far as itexists, appears in the desired language. Where no description exists in
the desired language for the business area in question, nothing will bereturned. Alternatively you can also specify the language as an ISOcode in the LANGUAGE_ISO parameter. The LANGUAGE and LANGUAGE_ISOparameters are optional. In the absence of any language being entered,
the user's logon language is used. If both parameters are set, the LANGUAGE_ISO parameter is ignored.

Messages are returned within the RETURN parameter. This parameter documentation contains the return codes and their meaning.




This method provides the user with a list of available business areas and their description.


The same authorization checks are carried out under this method as takeplace when displaying information within an R/3 transaction.

Depending upon the LANGUAGE parameter, any description, in so far as it
exists, is returned in the desired language. Where no description exists in the desired language for the business area in question,nothing will be returned. The LANGUAGE parameter is optional and in theabsence of any langauge being entered, the user's logon language is used.

Messages are returned within the RETURN parameter. This parameter documentation contains the return codes and their meaning.
