Using this method you can create banks. NotesThe system checks the following authorization object with activity 01 (create): F_BNKA_MAN Banks: General maintenance authorization.The system compares the field entries with the Customizing settings made in the IMG activityDefine countries in section
General settings. Transfer You transfer the bank country, the bank key and the bank data. Transferof the bank key is optional, provided internal number assignment isdefined for the country BANK_CTRY in Customizing in the IMG activity Define countries in the section General settings
. If the bank key is defined as bank identification number (in Customizing under Set country-specific checks), the bank identification number field in table BNKA is automatically filled with the value of the bank key. Bank address from central address management(CAM)
Along with the bank, you can also create the other address from central address managment (CAM), provided the optional structureBankAdress1 is transferred. If you wish to create the otheraddress for a bank, note that the COUNTRY field in structure BankAdress1 is a required field.
Return messages Messages are returned in the parameter return. The parameterdocumentation shows the return codes and their meanings.