With this procedure you can call up line items for a ledger of the general ledger (Requirement: Summary table V_GLFLEXT). To do this, you have to enter the ledger (LEDGER), company code (COMPANYCODE), fiscal year (FISCALYEAR), and document number(DOCNUMBERFROM). By entering a second document number (DOCNUMBERTO),
you can select an interval of documents from which the correspondingline items are selected. By entering a document type (DOCUMENTTYPE) you can limit this selection. The list of line items is provided in table ITEMSLIST. Fields in thistable are not taken into consideration, if they were included in the flexible general ledger by means of a customer include. Table
EXTENSION1 is provided for displaying these fields. To do this, proceed as follows: A) Customer include CI_1028_INCLUDE1 is located in structureBAPI1028EXT_1. Here, you select the fields that you want displayed in table EXTENSION1. B) Maintain include zxx28u01 of user-exit exit_sapl1028_001. Assign each field ITEMS_LINE-ZZ* of structure GLU1 to the field
CUSTOMER_FIELDS-ZZ*, which you have included in include CI_1028_INCLUDE1. (The entries in this table are numbered for uniqueassignment of values in tables ITEMSLIST and EXTENSION1.) C) Create a project with the help of transaction CMOD and assign enhancement GLX1028 to the project. Activate the project.