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Home> Bapi>InvestmentProgram




Caution: Do not use after Release 4.6A!

Instead use business objects BUS1157, BUS1158.

The business object Capital investment program is a hierarchical
structure representing business plans for producing fixed assets or providing services during an approval year.


A capital investment program consists of a number of positions that are
grouped together in a hierarchical structure. You base this structure on any criteria. For example, you can base the structure on
organizational units or on the size of the measures belonging to the
program. Investment program positions can group together several
controlling objects, for which they carry the budget and plan values.


Investment programs are related to one approval year; it is possible to
carry forward balances to the following approval year. Each program
position is assigned organizationally to a controlling area, for which budgets can be made or costs can be planned.


Overall capital investments 1998 with program positions:

  • - Business Area Appliances

  • - Business Area Appliances --- Southern Region

  • - Business Area Appliances --- Northern Region

  • - Business Area Electronic Entertainment --- Southern Region

  • - Business Area Electronic Entertainment --- Northern Region

  • 11-Dec-2005


    Available Methods

    • ExistenceCheck : Check existence of an investment program [ BAPI_INVPROGRAM_CHECKEXISTENCE ] (Obsolete in 46A)
    • GetLeaves : Output end nodes of the investment program [ BAPI_INVPROGRAM_GET_LEAVES ] (Obsolete in 46A)
    • GetRequestsAndLeaves : Output appropriation requests and end nodes of the investment program [ BAPI_INVPROGRAM_GET_REQUESTS ] (Obsolete in 46A)
    • SaveEntityReplicas : Save assigned entities in summarization database [ BAPI_INVPROGRAM_SAVE_ENTITIES ] (Obsolete in 46A)
    • SaveValueReplicas : Save summarized values in summarization database [ BAPI_INVPROGRAM_SAVE_VALUES ] (Obsolete in 46A)




    Use this method to check if the investment program entered exists.

    If you do not enter a point of entry position, the function modulechecks if the investment program you entered exists. If you enter apoint of entry position, it also checks the existence of the point of entry position.

    Caution: This methode is obsolete as of Release 4.6A! Instead use only the methods of the BUS1157 and BUS1158 business objects.




    You can use this method to display all the end node positions of an investment program.

    If no point of entry position is entered, the function module outputsall end node positions of the investment program hierarchy, that is,all program positions that do not have lower positions assigned to them.

    If a point of entry position is entered, the function module outputsall end node positions that are subordinate to the point of entry.

    However, the prerequisite is that the user using the function modulehas authorization to display the selected end nodes. If the user does
    not have authorization for just one of the end nodes, then no end nodesare displayed. Instead the system displays only a list of the missing authorizations.

    Caution: This method is obsolete as of Release 4.6A! From that pointon, use only the methods of the BUS1157 and BUS1158 business objects.




    Using this method, you can have the system output all appropriation requests that are assigned to the investment program.

    If no point of entry position is entered, the function module outputsall appropriation requests that are assigned to the investment program.

    If a point of entry position is entered, the function module outputsonly those appropriation requests that are assigned to the program position and are below the point of entry position.

    It is only possible to assign appropriation requests to end nodes of an
    investment program (that, is investment program positions that do nothave subordinate positions assigned to them in the hierarchy). Therefore, all end nodes below the point of entry position are alsooutput (regardless of whether or not appropriation requests are assigned to these program positions!).

    However, the prerequisite is that the user using the function modulehas authorization to display the selected end nodes and appropriationrequests. If the user does not have authorization for just one of theend nodes or appropriation requests, then neither end nodes nor
    appropriation requests are displayed. Instead the system displays only a list of the missing authorizations.

    Caution: This method is obsolete as of Release 4.6A! From that pointon, use only the methods of the BUS1157 and BUS1158 business objects.




    Using this method, you can store the identifiers and texts of the(replicated) appropriation requests and measures, which are assigned toan investment program, in the summarization database of Investment Management.

    The function module can also be used to store the following in the summarization database of Investment Management:

    identifiers and texts of the (replicated) profit centers, cost centers,plants or functional locations belonging to the investment program or to the appropriation requests or measures belonging to it.

    Caution: This method is obsolete as of Release 4.6A! From that point
    on, use only the methods of the BUS1157 and BUS1158 business objects.


    The identifier of the functional location is limited to 22 charactersin the summarization database of Investment Management. If a longeridentifier is transferred to the function module, an error message is issued!

    A "normal master record" is not created for any of the entities listedabove. The entities are stored in special tables for the Information System of Investment Management.

    If texts already exist for an entity in the summarization database inthe given language, these texts are overwritten by the new texts.


    The function module should be called at the most only once within a transaction, if possible.

    If an error occurs at any point during processing, there is no update,and the function module automatically carries out a ROLLBACK. The RETURNMESSAGES table parameter contains a list of the errors that

    In the case of successful completion, the function module may automatically carry out a COMMIT for the database changes, undercertain circumstances. This may or may not have been explicitly transmitted by the calling program.
    The RETURNMESSAGES table parameter may contain another list of warning messages that were issued.

    The RETURN parameter tells you if processing was completed successfully or if there were errors.




    This method stores the transferred, summarized data or values of aninvestment program, along with its assigned appropriation requests andmeasures, in replicated form in the summarization database of Investment Management.

    Caution: This method is obsolete as of Release 4.6A! From that point
    on, use only the methods of the BUS1157 and BUS1158 business objects.


    If there are already data records in the summarization database in thesummarization version entered, which have identical characteristics, the existing values are overwritten with the new values.

    However, if data records with identical characteristics are transferredto the function module, then the values belonging to them are added to these records!


    The method should be called at the most only once within a transaction, if possible.

    If an error occurs the method automatically carries out a ROLLBACK. TheRETURNMESSAGES table parameter contains a list of the errors that occurred.

    In the case of successful completion, the method may automatically carry out a COMMIT for the database changes, under certain
    circumstances. This may or may not have been explicitly transmitted by the calling program.
    The RETURNMESSAGES table parameter may contain another list of warning messages that were issued.

    The RETURN parameter tells you if processing was completed successfully or if there were errors.
