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The business object Product catalog is a means of presentation
used in advertising grouping together advertising messages about a number of materials.

A product catalog can occur in different variants, depending on the language and the currency in each case.


The materials to be advertised are presented in a particular sequence (called the layout).

Product catalogs can be designed for propagation through advertising
media such as printed catalogs, CD-ROM, radio, television, or the World Wide Web.

Each product catalog variant can be defined as an advertising material that can be used in shipping.


  • - Printed mail-order catalog Spring/Summer 1998

  • - Computer catalog on CD ROM

  • - Promotional flyer for July

  • 11-Dec-2005


    Available Methods

    • GetDetail : Read Header Data [ BAPI_PRODCAT_GET_DETAIL ]
    • GetItem : Read Individual Product Catalog Item [ BAPI_PRODCAT_GETITEM ]
    • GetItems : Read Items [ BAPI_ADV_MED_GET_ITEMS ]
    • GetLayout : Read Layout [ BAPI_ADV_MED_GET_LAYOUT ]
    • GetLayoutDescription : Read Text for Layout Area/Layout Area Item [ BAPI_ADV_MED_GET_LAYOBJ_DESCR ]
    • GetLayoutDocuments : Read Documents for Layout Area/Layout Area Items [ BAPI_ADV_MED_GET_LAYOBJ_DOCS ]
    • GetList : Read Catalog List [ BAPI_ADV_MED_GET_LIST ]
    • GetPrices : Read Prices [ BAPI_ADV_MED_GET_PRICES ]
    • GetSalesArea : Read Sales Area [ BAPI_ADV_MED_GET_SALES_AREA ]
    • GetVariants : Read Variants [ BAPI_ADV_MED_GET_VARIANT_LIST ]
    • ReplicateHead : Replicate Basic and Structure Data of a Product Catalog (ALE Outbound) [ BAPI_PRODCAT_REPLICATEHEAD ]
    • ReplicateItems : Replicate Item Data of a Product Catalog (ALE Outbound) [ BAPI_PRODCAT_REPLICATEITEMS ]
    • SaveHeadReplica : Replicate Basic and Structure Data of a Product Catalog (ALE Inbound) [ BAPI_PRODCAT_SAVEHEADREPLICA ]
    • SaveItemsReplica : Replicate Item Data of a Product Catalog (ALE Inbound) [ BAPI_PRODCAT_SAVEITEMSREPLICA ]




    This method supplies header data for a product catalog.


    Messages are returned in the parameter RETURN. The return values and their meaning are found in the parameter documentation.




    The method provides an item with lower-level items for a product catalog.


    The variant (parameter VARIANT) defines the language in which the textsin ITEMTEXTS and CHILDRENTEXTS are returned, and with which currency the prices in ITEMPRICE and CHILDRENPRICES are returned.

    If the WITHCHILDREN parameter is set ('X'), the table CHILDRENDETAILSis filled with all lower-level items for the item specified by CATALOG, AREA and ITEM. The item itself is returned in ITEM_DETAIL.

    If the WITHPRICES parameter is set ('X'), the structure ITEMPRICE is
    filled, and the table CHILDRENPRICES is also filled if WITHCHILDREN is also set.

    The GetPrices method can be used to determine the prices separately.

    Messages are returned in the RETURN parameter. The return valued andtheir meanings can be found in the parameter documentation for this.




    This method returns items for an advertising medium.


    The variant (parameter VARIANT) determines the language in which thetexts in TEXTS and the currency in which the prices in PRICES are returned.

    If the parameter AREA is initial, all items in the advertising medium
    are determined; otherwise only the items of the layout area passed on in AREA are returned.

    If the parameter WITH_PRICES is set ('X'), the table PRICES is


    Prices can be determined separately with the method GetPrices.

    Messages are returned in the parameter RETURN. The return values and their meaning can be found in the parameter documentation.




    This method can be used to read information for the layout of a product catalog.
    The layout defines the structure of a product catalog and containsinformation on where the materials are roughly placed in the piece.


    The variant (parameter VARIANT) defines the language in which the texts
    in TEXTS and the currency in which the prices in PRICES are returned.

    Currently you can only assign one currency and language when youmaintain a product catalog. This is why the tables LANGUAGES and CURRENCIES only contain one entry.

    If the IMPORT parameter WITH_ITEMS is set ('X'), all product catalog items in the ITEMS table are issued.

    If WITH_ITEMS has the initial value, only the short texts for the product catalog and layout areas in TEXTS are returned.

    If in addition to WITH_ITEMS, the parameter WITH_PRICES is also set, the table PRICES is filled.

    In the case of layout areas for which there is no Read authorization, no item data (parameter ITEMS and TEXTS) is returned.

    The product catalog items and prices can also be read separately with the methods GetItems and GetPrices.

    Messages are returned in parameter RETURN. The return values and their meaning can be found in the parameter documentation.

    Messages that relate to individual layout areas are returned in the
    parameter RETURN_AREA. For information on the return values and their meanings, please see this parameter documentation.




    This method returns long texts for a layout area or a layout area item of a product catalog.


    The variant (parameter VARIANT) determines the languages in which the long texts are returned.
    Since only one language can currently be assigned in variant maintenance, the long text is only returned in one language.

    The object for which the long texts are to be determined is defined bythe parameters AREA (layout area) and ITEM (item). If ITEM is inital,the long texts are requested for a layout area. Otherwise they are requested for a layout area item.

    Messages are returned in the parameter RETURN. The return values and their meaning can be found in the parameter documentation.





    This method returns documents assigned to a layout area or layout area item in an advertising medium.


    The object for which the documents are to be determined is determinedby parameters AREA (layout area) and ITEM (item). If ITEM is initial,
    the documents are requested for a layout area, otherwise for a layout area item.

    Messages are returned in parameter RETURN. The return values and their meaning can be found in the parameter documentation.




    This function module returns a list of all product catalogs belongingto the client. In addition to product catalog numbers, all short texts maintained (all languages) are also determined.


    Product catalogs are only returned if a Read authorization exists for them.

    Messages are returned in the RETURN parameter. The documentation for this parameter contains the return codes and their meanings.




    This method supplies prices for items in a product catalog.


    The variant (parameter = VARIANT) defines the currency in which the prices in PRICES are returned.

    The system does not check whether the products transferred in MATERIALS
    are actually contained in the CATALOG product catalog. This enables theproduct catalog pricing logic to be used for materials that do nor appear in the catalog transferred..

    Messages are returned in the RETURN parameter. The documentation for this parameter contains the return codes and their meanings.




    This module returns the sales area for an advertising medium.


    Messages are returned in the RETURN parameter. The documentation for this parameter contains the return codes and their meanings.




    This method provides variants for a product catalog. It also determines short texts, languages and currencies of the variants.



    At present only one language and currency is possible for a variant.

    Messages are returned in the RETURN parameter. The documentation for this parameter contains the return codes and their meanings.




    In ALE outbound of ALE distribution of product catalogs, this module triggers the sending of basic andstructure data (i.e. layout areas and layout hierarchies) of a product catalog to specific receiving systems.

    You can use the parameter "RequestChanges" to control whether the
    specified data is sent "directly" (i.e. in full) or on the basis ofchange pointers. If change pointers are used, the data is ony sent ifit has been changed before the date entered in "CreationDateTo".

    The possible receiving systems and the scope of data to be replicated
    are determined on the basis of the entries entered in the ALEdistribution model for BAPI "ProductCatalog.SaveHeadReplica". However,you can also use parameters "VariantIds" and "Recipients" to makefurther restrictions in addition to those in the distribution model.

    You can use parameter "MaxAreas" to define the number of IDocs overwhich the data (more precisely the layout areas) are split. If youexpect errors to occur during inbound processing, it may be advisableto enter as many IDocs as possible, to make error handling and the posting of data easier.

    Information relating to the objects actually distributed (catalogs,reference customers, materials, layout areas and IDocs) are returned inthe parameters "ReplicatedCatalogIds", "ReplicatedCustomerIds", "ReplicatedMaterialIds", "ReplicatedAreaKeys" and"CommunicationDocuments".

    All messages are returned in parameter "Return".


    For the data to be created and changed, you need authorization foractivity "Create IDocs" for the catalog in question for authorization object "W_PCAT_MTN".

    A separate IDoc segment "ExtensionIn" and function exit "Exit_Saplwpca_001" of SAP enhancement "Wpca001" are available for
    customer enhancements.

    "ProductCatalog.ReplicateItems" is a method available for the item data of a product catalog.




    In ALE outbound of the ALE distribution of product catalogs, this module triggers the transferof item data of a product catalog to specified recieving systems.

    Using parameter "RequestChanges", you can control whether the specifieddata is send "directly" (that is, in full) or on the basis of change
    pointers. If change pointers are used, the data is only sent if it has been changed before the "CreationDateTo" date.

    The entries for BAPI "ProductCatalog.SaveItemsReplica" in the ALEdistribution model are used to determine the possible receiving systems
    and the data that is to be replicated. The parameters "VariantIds","AreaIds", "ItemIds" and "Recipients" can be used to further restrict the data allowed by the distribution model.

    Parameter "RequestComplete" can be used to increase the amount of data
    to be replicated (prices and material short texts, for example). This may be of used when corresponding with an external system.

    You can use parameter "MaxItems" to control the number of IDocs overwhich the data (layout area items) is split. If you expect errors to
    occur in inbound processing, it is advisable to split the data over asmany IDocs as possible, as this makes it easier to find the errors and post the data.

    Information on the objects (catalogs, catalog items, materials and IDocs) actually distribued are returned in parameters
    "ReplicatedCatalogIds", "ReplicatedItemIds", "ReplicatedMaterialIds" and "CommunicationDocuments".

    All the messages that are created are returned in parameter "Return".


    To be able to create and change data, you need authorization for the
    activity "Create IDocs" for the catalog in question for authorization object "W_PCAT_MTN".

    A separate IDoc segment and function exit "Exit_Saplwpca_002" of SAPenhancement "Wpca001" are available for customer enhancements.

    Method "ProductCatalog.ReplicateHead" is available for the basic and structure data of a product catalog.




    In Application Link Enabling, you use this program to distribute basic and structure data (i.e. layoutareas and layout hierarchies) of product catalogs by directly sending the data to other systems.

    If it is necessary to use this method outside of ALE distribution,
    please note that after this method is called, when you call methods "BapiService.TransactionCommit" (in case of success) and"BapiService.TransactionRollback" (in case of errors) the changes are updated to the database and discarded respectively.

    All data that can be changed in product catalog maintenance (with the
    exception of document links and classifications) for which a separatedistribution mechanism exists can also be changed using this method.

    A selection box is displayed next to each data parameter, each with thesame number of fields and field descriptions. This indicates the change-relevant fields.

    To indicate that a data record is to be deleted, the field "FUNCTION"must have value "003" in the relevant structure. Any other value is interpreted as creation or change of data, depending on context.

    If a parameter contains fields for language indicators (e.g. "CatalogName": field "Langu"), currencies (e.g. "CatalogBaseData":
    field "Currency") or units of measure (e.g. "CatalogBaseData": field"Unit_Shares"), there is always a field of the same name with the suffix "_ISO". This means it is possible for language indicators,currencies or units of measure to be transferred in either the SAP code
    or the standardized ISO code. Internally, ISO codes are converted toSAP codes for further processing. This ISO code is only used if the SAPcode is not transferred. If ISO codes are used, there must be a uniqueassignment between the ISO codes and the SAP codes for language indicators, currencies, and country indicators in Customizing.

    If information or error messages occur during processing, they arerecorded in an application log, with reference to the triggering data record.

    The changed objects (if transfer was successful) or the most seriouserrors (if transfer was faulty) are returned in the paramter "Return".
    The "Log_No" field of this parameter contains the number of the application log in which all (other) messages are stored.


    For data to be created and changed, you need authorization for theactivity "Post IDocs" for the relevant catalog for authorization object "W_PCAT_MTN".

    Extension parameter "ExtensionIn" and function exit "Exit_Saplwpca_003"of SAP extension "Wpca001" are available for customer extensions.

    Method "ProductCatalog.SaveItemsReplica" is available as an appropriate method for the item data of a product catalog.




    In Application Link Enabling for product catalogs, you use this method to transfer and create/change theitem data of a product catalog.

    If it is necessary to use this method outside of ALE distribution,please note that after this method is called, when you call methods "BapiService.TransactionCommit" (in case of success) and
    "BapiService.TransactionRollback" (in case of errors) the changes are updated to the database and discarded respectively.

    All data that can be changed in product catalog maintenance (with theexception of document links and classifications) for which a separate
    distribution mechanism exists can also be changed using this method.

    A selection box is displayed next to each data parameter, each with thesame number of fields and field descriptions. This indicates the change-relevant fields.

    To indicate that a data record is to be deleted, the field "FUNCTION"
    must have value "003" in the relevant structure. Any other value is interpreted as creation or change of data, depending on context.

    If a parameter contains fields for language indicators (e.g. "CatalogName": field "Langu"), currencies (e.g. "CatalogBaseData":
    field "Currency") or units of measure (e.g. "CatalogBaseData": field"Unit_Shares"), there is always a field of the same name with the suffix "_ISO". This means it is possible for language indicators,currencies or units of measure to be transferred in either the SAP code
    or the standardized ISO code. Internally, ISO codes are converted toSAP codes for further processing. This ISO code is only used if the SAPcode is not transferred. If ISO codes are used, there must be a uniqueassignment between the ISO codes and the SAP codes for language indicators, currencies, and country indicators in Customizing.

    If information or error messages occur during processing, they arerecorded in an application log, with reference to the triggering data record.

    The changed objects (if transfer was successful) or the most seriouserrors (if transfer was faulty) are returned in the paramter "Return".
    The "Log_No" field of this parameter contains the number of the application log in which all (other) messages are stored.


    For data to be created and changed, you need authorization for theactivity "Post IDocs" for the relevant catalog for authorization object "W_PCAT_MTN".

    Extension parameter "ExtensionIn" and function exit "Exit_Saplwpca_004"of SAP extension "Wpca001" are available for customer extensions.

    Method "ProductCatalog.SaveHeadReplica" is available as an appropriatemethod for the basic and structure data of a product catalog.
