This method sets the kanbans in the KANBAN table to the status IN PROCESS. Kanbans that were processed successfully are displayed in table KANBANS_UPDATE. Kanbans, that could not processed successfully are displayed in table KANBANS_NOT_UPDATED.
It may not have been possible to process a kanban for one of the following reasons, for example: The kanban was not set to the status EMPTY. (A kanban can only be given the status IN PROCESS if it is set to EMPTY.)The kanban has just been processed by another user and was therefore locked.
The kanban does not exist.Usually, kanbans that are to be gived the status IN PROCESS are firstread by the function module, "BAPI_KANBAN_GETLISTFORSUPPLIER". NotesAs transfer parameters in this function module, you do not have to fill
the lines of the table KANBAN completely. It is sufficient if the fields KANBAN_ID CTRLCYC_NO and KANBAN_NO are filled. This BAPI executes a Commit Work and cannot, therefore, by combined with other BAPIs in a LUW.