The BAPI_DANGEROUSGOOD_SAVEREPMUL method is used by a system toreplicate or modify the business object dangerous goods in another system. Distribution is carried out asynchronously. In the source system, the BAPI_DANGEROUSGOOD_REPLICATE method is used to provide the relevant data records.
The corresponding IDoc of type DANGEROUSGOOD01 is filled with the data. The IDoc is sent to the target system defined in ALE Customizing. The data from the IDoc are posted in the target system using the BAPI_DANGEROUSGOOD_SAVEREPMUL methods.
PrerequisitesThe relevant material master records must have been maintained in the source and target system.The Customizing tables (see the section on Customizing) must have beenmaintained for the dangerous goods master in the target system.
ALE Customizing must have been maintained in the source and target system.If you use engineering change management, you must have maintained therelevant change numbers that you used to maintain dangerous goods master data records in the target system.
NotesMessages are returned in the RETURN parameter. The return values andtheir meaning are explained in the documentation for this parameter. CustomizingThe following tables must have been maintained in the target system: Tabele Table name
Client T000 Units T006 Iso codes for units of measurement T006I Change number AENR Validity area TCG91/92 DG transport category THM003/004 DG class THM009/010 DG letter THM011/012
Danger label number THM017/018 Hazard identification number THM031/032 Dangerous goods regulation THM063/064 Packaging code THM073/074 Packing instruction numer THM075/076 Aggregate state T646A/B
Water pollution class TDG015/16 Hazard note TDG27/28 Label TDG29/30 Hazard-inducing substance TDG33/34 VbF class TDG35/36 Dangerous goods storage class TDG37/38 Processing status TDG39/40
UN number TDG67/68 Further InformationFor further information, see Help -> R/3 library -> CA Cross-Application components -> CA The IDoc Interface -> Overview of the IDoc Interface -> Monitoring.