With this method, a quantity signal is carried out for a kanban controlcycle. The system searches for full kanbans in the control cycle andwithdraws the specified material quantity from these. If a kanban is completely emptied during this process, then it is set to a
corresponding status. The main entry parameters are: Control cycle (if the function module is called as a method for theobject kanban control cycle, this parameter is not available, but is entered by the object instance).Material quantity
The information about the status change is issued. COMMIT and ROLLBACK WORK: the function module does not carry out anyCOMMIT work. Command off. The initiator must make sure of this his selfafter ending the function module. Each time after calling the FM a
COMMIT WORK must take place. It is not permissible to call this FMseveral times and then to post the result with a COMMIT WORK. If the FMfinds an error during the processing, then in some cases the commandROLLBACK WORK is carried out. In these cases the kanban is either set
to ERROR or in the parameter RETURN, an error message is issued.