You can use this function module to create inspection plans and all its subordinate objects. You can create a key date view and the complete history of aninspection plan. It is useful to have a history when transferring data from external systems.
ExampleYou want to create an inspection plan with operations and inspectioncharacteristics for key date 01.01.2000. Make an entry in the following tables for each object: TASKOPERATIONINSPCHARACTERISTIC If you want to assign test equipment to the inspection characteristic
in field ITEM_NO_OF_PRODUCTION_RESOURCE, you must have assigned this test equipment in PARAMETER PRODUCTIONRESOURCE.NotesIf no error occurs during the transfer of data, the export parametersGROUP and GROUPCOUNTER contain the key for the task list created. A COMMIT WORK must be executed for writing data to the database.
All errors that have occured are logged in the export parameter RETURN.If there are inconsistencies, the inspection plan to be created is rejected.