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Home> Bapi>FinancialTransaction




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Available Methods

  • Change : Change financial transaction [ BAPI_FTR_CHANGE ]
  • CounterConfirm : Counterconfirm financial transaction [ BAPI_FTR_COUNTERCONFIRM ]
  • CreateFromData : Create financial transaction [ BAPI_FTR_CREATEFROMDATA ]
  • GetDetail : Display financial transactions [ BAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL ]
  • GetList : Transactions list [ BAPI_FTR_GETLIST ]
  • Reverse : Reverse financial transaction [ BAPI_FTR_REVERSE ]
  • Settle : Settle financial transaction [ BAPI_FTR_SETTLE ]




This method enables you to change data in a transaction that has already been created.

In principle, you can change all structure characteristics that you canspecify when you create a transaction. However, this does not apply tothe company code and transaction number key fields, or the product
type. Neither does it apply to the transaction activity category and transaction type fields in the 'Structure: Money market' and'Structure: Foreign exchange' parameters.

Note the following when you use BAPIs:

To make sure changes are consistent, you must transfer both the new,
changed status as well as the old status of the transaction read by GetDetail when you call it up. You can usea parameter with the same name as the parameter for the old status by adding an 'X' to it.

The system checks whether the last status read using GetDetail is the same as the current status in the database.

If the person calling up this BAPI uses an old status, this changerequest must be rejected. This is possible since you must not blockrequests via several BAPI calls and you cannot prevent another user inthe meantime from changing the status of the database. If this is the case, the only option is to reread the database using
and regenerate the change request.

If the status of the database has not changed since the last time it was read, you can post the change request.

The system carries out, however, the usual plausibility checks first.


Messages are returned in the parameter Return. This parameterdocumentation contains the return codes and their meanings.

Further Information

For more information, see the R/3 Library under
TR Treasury-->Treasury Management (TR-TM) -->Money Market-->Trading and
TR Treasury-->Treasury Management (TR-TM) -->Foreign Exchange -->Trading
in the following sections:

  • Processing Fixed-Term Deposit
  • Processing Deposit at Notice
  • Processing Commercial Paper
  • Processing a Spot/Forward Transaction

  • Editing Standard Options
  • Editing an Exotic Option
  • Order

  • 11-Dec-2005



    Using this BAPI, you can counterconfirm a transaction which isprocessed in business object BUS2042. Unless otherwise specified, thecounterconfirmation is always related to the activity the transaction is currently in.

    Using the 'TransactionActivity', 'SequenceNumber', 'SwiftReference' and
    IDocNumber' parameters, you can also counterconfirm activities which do not correspond to the current activity.




    You can use this method to create a new transaction.

    You fill the parameter structure according to product category. You canfind out how product categories and parameter structures are assigned in the documentation for the single parameters.

    You can only successfully create a security if the data transferred
    fulfills certain consistency requirements. Otherwise the data is rejected.


    Messages are returned in the parameter return. The parameterdocumentation shows the return codes and their meanings.

    Further Information

    You can find more information in the R/3 library under TRTreasury-->Treasury Management (TR-TM) -->Money Market-->Trading and TRTreasury-->Treasury Management (TR-TM) -->Foreign Exchange --> Trading
    in the following sections:

  • Processing a Fixed-Term Deposit
  • Processing Deposit at Notice
  • Creating Commercial Paper
  • Creating a Spot/Forward Transaction
  • Editing Standard Options
  • Editing an Exotic Option
  • Order

  • 11-Dec-2005



    The GetDetail method enables you to read the detailed data of a transaction and returns it via the export parameter.

    You can divide the data into two categories:

    1. Data which is classified according to product category. This is why
      there is a specific parameter for each product category, which contains the detailed data for the transaction.
    2. Data, which is returned outside this parameter, since it does not depend on the product category (e.g. company code).




    The GetList method enables you to call up a list of the transactions currently available in the system.

    The import table parameters enable you to select transactions.

    You then see a list of the corresponding transactions. The table fieldsare a selection of the typical attributes of a transaction. To find out
    in more detail how the list is structured, see the documentation for the table parameter List of transactions selected.


    Messages are returned in the parameter return. The parameterdocumentation shows the return codes and their meanings.




    Use this method to reverse a transaction.

    When you use the reversal function, you reverse the last active activity and reactivate the previous one.


    When you reverse a settled contract, it becomes a contract that has not been settled, which you can settle again.


    Messages are returned in the parameter return. The parameterdocumentation shows the return codes and their meanings.

    Further Information

    For more information, see the SAP Library -> AC Financials -> TR Treasury -> Treasury Management
    -> Money Market -> Back Office -> Process Fixed-Term Deposit/Deposit at Notice/Commercial Paper




    You can use this method to settle a transaction.

    When a transaction is settled, it can no longer be changed and is assigned the status 'Flagged for posting'.

    This method only settles the transaction. If you still want to makechanges to the transaction before it is settled, you can use the 'Change' method.


    Messages are returned in the parameter return. The parameterdocumentation shows the return codes and their meanings.

    Further Information

    For more information, see the SAP Library by choosing AC Financials -> Treasury ->
    Treasury Management -> Money Market -> Back Office -> Process Fixed-Term Deposit/Deposit at Notice/Commercial Paper
