Important! This BAPI is flagged as being obsolete. Use the BAPI:BAPI_INSPOPER_RECORDRESULTS instead. You do not have to make thischange immediately. This BAPI will continue to be supported in this release and in the next functional release. This method creates an inspection point for an inspection lot
operation. It contains the inspection point identification and optionaldata for the partial lot, batch, and inspection point valuation. There is no general rule as regards the fields of an inspection pointthat can be maintained or the fields that cannot be filled. The
inspection point requirements can be defined both in Customizing and ininspection planning (inspection plan, routing, master recipe). The usercan always check and evaluate these requirements using the BAPIInspPoint.GetRequirements. The dependencies are described in detail in the description of the parameter DATA.
The inspection point number cannot be transferred from externally. Itis determined internally and exported using the parameter InspPoint.The inspection point number is the prerequisite for the confirmations of inspection results for characteristics using the BAPI:
InspLotCharacter.SetResult. This BAPI contains a COMMIT WORK AND WAIT. Once the BAPI has beencalled the inspection point exists in the database and is not locked.