This method reads the document for a manual actual posting in Controlling. You should fill the fields DOC_NO (document number and CO_AREA(controlling area) of structure DOC_NO (numbers of the controlling area document). Alternatively, you can specify the external document number together
with the logical system. You should only specify the logical system ifit differs from the system where the read is taking place. The numberconsists of the fields OBJ_KEY (reference key = 10 character documentnumber + 10 character organizational unit) and OBJ_TYPE (object type of the sender system).
The document items are displayed in the specific tables of the business transaction LINE_ITEM and/or LINE_ITEM_ACTIVTIY orLINE_ITEM_STAT_KEY_FIG. The document header is displayed in the DOC_HEADER structure. If required, the system displays a message in the RETURN structure.