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The business object Internal order is used to monitor sub-areas of costs and, in some instances, revenues.

Internal orders can monitor costs of temporary measures, costs and revenues related to the offering of a specific activity, or,
alternately, can be used for detailed monitoring of ongoing costs.


Internal orders are divided into the following categories:
o Overhead orders monitor sub-areas of indirect costs

arising from temporary measures. They can also be used
for detailed monitoring of ongoing plan and actual costs
independently of organizational cost center structures
and business processes.

o Investment orders monitor investment costs which can be capitalized and settled wholly or in part to fixed

o Imputed orders monitor outlay and opportunity costs.
o Orders with revenues monitor the costs and revenues

arising from activities for partners outside the
organizational boundaries, or from activities not

belonging to the core business of the organization.



Available Methods

  • Create : Create Internal Order From Transferred Data [ BAPI_INTERNALORDER_CREATE ]
  • GetDetail : Delivers master data, statuses, and allowed transactions for internal orders [ BAPI_INTERNALORDER_GETDETAIL ]
  • GetList : Delivers lists of internal orders according to various criteria [ BAPI_INTERNALORDER_GETLIST ]
  • SaveReplica : Replicate Individual Internal Order (ALE) [ BAPI_INTERNALORDER_SAVEREPLICA ]




This method enables you to create an internal order. You can transfer master data as well as settlement rules.

Orders from categories "01" and "02" are created. You can transfer almost all fields that can be filled in online transactions.

  • "Old" order status management fields are not supported.

  • Fields from the "Settlement to one receiver" group frame are not supported either.
  • Investment management fields will be supported in a later release.
  • You cannot transfer settlement parameters such as the settlementprofile. SAP recommends that you preset these in the order type.

  • You do not need to specify an account assignment category to thesettlement rules. The system derives these from the fields of each settlement rule.
  • Notes

    You can preallocate master data fields in the order type, or set themas being not ready for entry. You can do this by using customizing.
    Fields that are not ready for entry are not filled. They are filledwith the values of a model order (if existing) or stay blank. You can transfer the data wish to use to create an order with, in theI_MASTER_DATA structure. The system compares the values from
    I_MASTER_DATA and E_MASTER_DATA. If there are differences, it displays an information message.

    You can return messages using the RETURN parameters. Return values andtheir meanings are listed in the parameter documentation. Not allwarning and information messages displayed in the online transaction are contained in RETURN.

    You require the same authorizations as you do for creating an order inthe online transaction. Generally speaking, the method should be the same as the online transaction.

    The method does not carry out a COMMIT.

    If in doubt about which field in the import structre corresponds to
    which field in the online transaction, use F1 to display the technicalinformation of the screen field. You can find the field name (which isusually used in BAPI structures also) by looking under "Extras -> Default field name" in the data element.




    This method delivers all important master data, the system status, theuser status and the permitted business transactions to the "Internal orders" business object.

    The system displays all category "01" and "02" orders, including capital investment orders.


    The user must have a read authorization for the specified order typethe desired status. If this is not the case, the list does not display the corresponding orders.

    Messages are returned using the RETURN parameter. The parameter documentation contains return values and their significance.




    This method allows you to select internal orders (category "01" and"2") using various criteria. This includes capital investment orders.

    The System returns a table of all orders found.

    You can combine selection criteria as desired. However, you must
    include limiting requirements; you cannot select all internal orders simultaneously.


    The user must have a read authorization for the desired order type inthe desired status. Without it, the list does not display the corresponding orders.

    Some criteria support selection intervals. The different combinations of upper and lower limits have the following effects:


    SPACE SPACE (Default) No limiting effect

    123456 SPACE Only order 123456 is selected

    123456 234567 All orders between 123456

    and 234567 selected

    SPACE 234567 All orders between 0000000

    and 2324567 selected

    Messages are sent using the RETURN parameter. You can find the return
    values and their significance in this parameter documentation.





    The BAPI_INTERNALORDER_SAVEREPLICA function module is only usedinternally for internal orders (in SAP ALE business processes). To create a new internal order, you therefore need to use theBAPI_INTERNALORDER_CREATE function module. This executes a complete check on the order before you save.

    You can replicate an internal order (order category 01 and 02) usingthe BAPI_INTERNALORDER_SAVEREPLICA in an ALE business process within an external R/3 system (so called receiver system).

    Furthermore, the system sets the corresponding status for the order in the same receiver system.

    The "Availability control active" and "Budget tolerances exceeded"statuses are always set to inactive in the receiver system. This isregardless of the status in the order master system. The reason forthis, is that an order can only have a budget in its own master system,
    meaning that an availability control is not possible in the receiver system.

    The system checks whether the organization units entered in the order(such as company code, controlling area and so on) are valid for the current date.

    Further checks are not carried out in the receiver system. This means
    that no authorization checks or status checks of any kind are carried out.

    An order already in the receiver system is only overwritten if its master system corresponds to the logical system in theMASTERDATA-LOGSYSTEM field.

    If the order was assigned to a WBS element that does not exist in the
    order receiver system, then the assignment is disregarded during replica assignment. The "Assigned WBS element" field in the ordermaster stays blank.

    If the "Deletion indicator can be archived" status is contained in theOBJECTSTATUS import table, and is marked as active, the corresponding
    order in the receiver system is deleted, including all its dependent tables.

    Further Information

    For further information, see documentation in ALE business processes for internal orders.
