The business object Service notification is a means by which
notifications for customer service are entered and managed.
The following types of service notification exist: o Customer notification (notification of a malfunction or problem)
o Service request (request for tasks to be carried out) o Activity report (documentation of actions that were carried out)
A service notification contains one or more items. An item describes
the symptoms that have arisen, the cause of the problem, the part of
the object affeted, as well as the tasks and the actions that were performed.
Depending on which tasks are required, you can create either a service order or a customer order from a service notification.
Available Methods
- AddData : Supplement data [ BAPI_SERVNOT_ADD_DATA ]
- Change : Change [ BAPI_SERVNOT_MODIFY_DATA ]
- ChangeUserStatus : Change user status [ BAPI_SERVNOT_CHANGEUSRSTAT ]
- Close : Complete [ BAPI_SERVNOT_CLOSE ]
- CreateFromData : Create service notification [ BAPI_SERVICENOTIFICAT_CREATE ]
- CreateFromData2 : Create service notification 2 [ BAPI_SERVNOT_CREATE ]
- DelData : Delete data [ BAPI_SERVNOT_DEL_DATA ]
- GetDetail : Read detail data for service notification [ BAPI_SERVNOT_GET_DETAIL ]
- GetList : Select service notifications according to customer or contact person [ BAPI_SERVICENOTIFICAT_GETLIST ]
- Postpone : Postpone processing [ BAPI_SERVNOT_POSTPONE ]
- PutInProgress : Put in process [ BAPI_SERVNOT_PUTINPROGRESS ]
- Save : Save [ BAPI_SERVNOT_SAVE ]
- SetTaskCompleted : Complete task [ BAPI_SERVNOT_COMPLETE_TASK ]
- SetTaskReleased : Release task [ BAPI_SERVNOT_RELEASE_TASK ]
- SetTaskSuccessful : Indicate task as successful [ BAPI_SERVNOT_SUCCESSFUL_TASK ]
This BAPI enables you to add items, causes, activities, task, longtexts to a service notification. For more information about necessary import parameters see BAPI_SERVNOT_CREATE (methodServiceNotification.CreateFromData2). NotesErrors are returned in the parameter RETURN.
This BAPI enables you to modify the header, items, causes, activities, tasks, and partners of the service notification. NotesErrors are returned in the parameter RETURN. Technical noteIf you want to change a field you have to specify the new value of the
field in the data structure e.g. NOTIFHEADER-SHORT_TEXT . In additionthe corresponding X-structure field e.g. NOTIFHEADER_X-SHORT_TEXT must be checked. If you want to change a partner in the notification, the fieldsPARTN_ROLE_OLD and PARTNER_OLD must be specified and the X-structure must be filled as described above.
This BAPI changes the user status of a service notification. NotesErrors are returned in the parameter RETURN. Technical noteThe user status can be transferred either in internal or external format (fields USR_STATUS-STATUS_INT or USR_STATUS_EXT).
If the external format is used, the language must also be specified (field USR_STATUS-LANGU or USR_STATUS-LANGU_ISO).
This BAPI is called when completing a service notification. NotesThe notification must have a status that allows the completion. Errors are returned in the parameter RETURN. Technical note
You can use this method to create service notifications. This allowsyou to create certain fields from the notification header, the long text for the notification header and several notification items. NotesNotifications are returned in the parameter RETURN.
Technical noteThe following authorizations are checked: I_QMELI_TCODEI_BEGRPI_IWERKI_INGRPI_SWERKI_KOSTL
This BAPI enables you to create a new service notification. This allowsyou to create certain fields from the notification header, items,causes, tasks, activities and also long texts for them. Partners can also be maintained. NotesErrors are returned in the parameter RETURN.
Technical noteThe sort field must be filled in order to create items, causes, task oractivities. When creating a cause the sort field for the item must also be filled. When creating a long text the fields OBJTYP and OBJKEY must be filled. OBJTYP can contain the following values:
- QMEL - notification header
- QMFE - notification item
- QMUR - notification cause
- QMSM - notification task
- QMMA - notification activity
OBJKEY must contain the corresponding sort field for the above values.
The combination of sort field item/cause, item/task or item/activitymust be unique within the same notification. If you leave the sort field blank and OBJTYP = QMEL, the long text is created for thenotification header. An external reference key can be transferred by the field REFOBJECTKEY.
The links between external reference keys <-> R/3 keys are returnedwithin export table KEY_RELATIONSHIPS. If the fields SENDER, REFOBJECTTYPE and REFRELTYPE are filled, it is possible to create anobject link at notification header level.
This BAPI enables you to delete items, causes, activities, tasks, partners for the service notification. NotesErrors are returned in the parameter RETURN. Technical noteIf an entry has to be deleted, the key of the table entry must be
specified e.g. ITEM_KEY for the item to be deleted or PARTN_ROLE and PARTNER for the partner to be deleted.
This BAPI enables you to display all details for a service notification. NotesErrors are returned in the parameter RETURN. Technical noteNotification number is a mandatory entry Information about the structure of the long text table:
OBJTYP can contain the following values: - QMEL - notification header
- QMFE - notification item
- QMUR - notification cause
- QMSM - notification task
- QMMA - notification activity
OBJKEY contains the key of the corresponding object e.g. ITEM_KEY for a notification item.
The export structure NOTIFHDTEXT provides additional information aboutnotification header data e.g. description of the corresponding equipment.
This method selects service notifications assigned to a customer. For this, the following data is used as selection criteria: the customer that is maintained in the service notificationthe notification date whereupon all notifications are selected, whose date is greater than or equal to the data entered
You can choose to limit the selection using a partner function and partner number. The service notifications are returned. All notifications are selectedregardless of status. You can choose to exclude completed notifications from the selection.
NotesNotifications are returned in the parameter RETURN.
This BAPI postpones a service notification. Its system status is changed to "Notification postponed". NotesErrors are returned in the parameter RETURN. Technical note
This BAPI changes the status of a notification to "in process". NotesErrors are returned in the parameter RETURN. Technical noteIf a notification has the status "open", then the BAPI calls thebusiness transaction "put in process", if a notification is already
closed, the BAPI calls the business transaction "put in process again".
This BAPI enables you to save changes made to a service notification. NotesErrors are returned in the parameter RETURN. Technical noteThis BAPI calls the update task function of the notification. Afterwards no further changes are possible until BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT is called.
You can use this BAPI to complete a task. NotesIf you use the TESTRUN parameter, the status is not changed. The system checks if the task could be completed by the action. In parameter TASK_KEY, the system expects the key for the task that is on the database. This key can be read in using BAPI
bapi_servnot_get_detail, for example.
You can use this BAPI to release a task for processing. NotesIf you use the TESTRUN parameter, the status is not changed. The system checks if the task can be released. In parameter TASK_KEY, the system expects the key for the task that is on the database. This key can be read in using BAPI
bapi_servnot_get_detail, for example.
You can use this BAPI to flag a task as successful. NotesIf you use the TESTRUN parameter, the status is not changed. The system checks if the task could be flagged as being successful. In parameter TASK_KEY, the system expects the key for the task that is on the database. This key can be read in using BAPI
bapi_servnot_get_detail, for example.