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Home> Bapi>SalesAdditionalsReq




Business object additionals request is a grouping together of
all additionals that are required in one logistics business transaction.

An additionals request comprises several items, each of which contains
the quantity of a required additional.
An item can be subdivided according to quantity and date.



Available Methods

  • ChangeStatus : Change status [ BAPI_SALESADDIREQ_CHG_STATUS ]
  • GetPurList : PO overview [ BAPI_SALESADDIREQ_GET_PUR_LIST ]
  • Replicate : Request detailed data on additionals [ BAPI_SALESADDIREQ_REPLICATE ]




You can use this method to update the processing status of additional IDocs in the SAP system.

The SAP system generates data for additionals only as IDocs. The labels,posters, or flyers are only printed using a subsystem outwith the SAP system environment.

You can use this method to transfer the processing status of theadditionals IDoc to the SAP system using the subsystem. The relevant documents are then to be assigned in the SAP system.

The status defined by the subsystem is updated at two places in the system:

  • Each additionals document has its own status. The IDoc number is noted in an individual field. In this way, you canidentify the IDoc with its data immediately in the additionals monitor and check, for example, its contents.
  • A status is added to every IDoc:

  • Status "16" (for IDocs which have been processed successfully)
  • Status "17" (for IDocs which contain errors)
  • A message is attached to the status. In the message, you can enter details about the IDoc status.


    The status is only updated if authorization "Confirmation" (code 31) has been defined for the user for the field "Activity" forauthorization object "W_WTAD_ISU".

    Individual messages can be written for the IDoc in the SAP system, forexample, "Toner low". You must first create a suitable message in the system before this can happen.

    At, under Retail, you will find a list ofcertified subsystems for interface IS-ADP: these subsystem can be usedto create labels, posters, and flyers using additionals IDocs.




    This method creates data about additionals vendor purchase orders that have already been executed or are still to be executed.

    Additionals vendors can use this method to call up the data relevant to their purchase orders if they have the necessary authorization to do so.

    The list of purchase orders is a valuable support for planning theproduction process for additionals. In most cases, it is expected thatadditionals vendors produce and deliver ordered materials within ashort period of time. Therefore, it is useful for additionals vendors
    to know which orders they can expect within a particular time period.


    The vendor must be entered in authorization object "W_WTAD_ASL" as an additionals vendor.




    When this method is called, data for an additional is created in theform of an IDoc. The IDoc is transferred asynchronously by ALE to the requesting party.


    Assume that an additionals vendor received an order for tickets for aparticular product. To generate the tickets, the vendor uses this
    function module to request the most up-to-date data on the sales price, for example, for the product in question.

    The function module call is as follows:

    call bapi_salesaddireq_replicate
    application = '02'

    docheadid = '4500000815'
    docitemno = '00010'
    docscheduleline = '0001'
    runningno = '0002'
    addisupplier = 'TICKET007 '
    return = return.

    An additionals IDoc is generated for the additional (0002) for purchaseorder 4500000815, item 10, schedule line 1. The number for the additional is sent to the vendor of the original material in thepurchasing document together with the short text for the additional.

    The additional itself is manufactured by vendor TICKET007.

    The validity of the input parameters is checked in the method. If thecombination of parameters is not allowed, a message is returned.

    In the example, the following requirements must be met:

  • PO number 4500000815 must exit with an item 10 and schedule line 1. Thesystem recognizes that this is a purchase order from the parameter 'Application'. 02 stands for purchase orders.
  • The event "Purchase order creation" must have led to the creation of an additional with the internal number 0002.

  • The additionals vendor TICKET007 must be assigned to the purchase order referenced for additional 002.
  • Notes

    A further method for the commit must be called so that the IDoc is actually generated.
