You use this method to change a trading contract. To do this, you use the document number to select the trading contractthat you want to change, and use structure "HEADDATAINX" to select (at header level) the fields to be changed. You use structure "HEADDATAIN" to transfer the new values for the fields.
Similarly, you can change the items of the trading contract using"ITEMDATAINX", "ITEMDATAIN", "SCHEDULEDATAINX" and "SCHEDULEDATAINX". You can change the business data and partner information using"BUSINESSDATAINX" / "BUSINESSDATAIN" and "BUSPARTYINX" / "BUSPARTYIN" respectively.
You use structures "HEADTEXTIN" and "ITEMTEXTIN" to include the texts for the contract. Messages are issued via "RETURN". You can display the changed document data using structures "ITEMDATAOUT", "HEADDATAOUT", "SCHEDULEDATAOUT" and "BUSINESSDATAOUT"
"BUSPARTYOUT". Texts are available in structures"HEADTEXTOUT" and "ITEMTEXTOUT". You use structure "EXTENSIONIN" to add customer-specific fields. These must be made known via append structures for structures BAPI_TE_WBHKBAPI_TE_WBHKX