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Home> Bapi>RepManConfirmation1




The business object Repetitive Manufacturing Backflush is a
confirmation on the status of production in Repetitive Manufacturing. There is no reference to long-term orders.

In a repetitive manufacturing backflush, you can confirm the quantities
produced and the activities required to produce these quantities. The components consumed are backflushed.



Available Methods

  • Cancel : Reverse REM Backflush [ BAPI_REPMANCONF1_CANCEL ]
  • CreateMTO : Execute Backflush in Sales Order Scenario [ BAPI_REPMANCONF1_CREATE_MTO ]
  • CreateMTP : Execute Backflush in Production Lot Scenario [ BAPI_REPMANCONF1_CREATE_MTP ]
  • CreateMTS : Execute Backflush in Stock Scenario [ BAPI_REPMANCONF1_CREATE_MTS ]
  • ExistenceCheck : Check Existence of Object [ BAPI_REPMANCONF1_EXIST_CHK ]




Using the parameter CONFIRMATION, the transferred backflush number arereversed. This means that all documents created with this backflushnumber will be reversed in the R/3 System. This can include material documents, activity documents and postprocessing documents.

If the reversal of the backflush number is not carried out successfully, the system issues a corresponding message via theexporting parameter RETURN. If the backflush is carried out successfully, the exposting parameter RETURN is filled with initialvalues.

No COMMIT WORK is carried out in this module.

Note that immediately after calling up this BAPI, a COMMIT WORK istransmitted. This means it is not possible to use several backflush BAPIs that store data on the database in sequence and then onlytransmit one single COMMIT WORK after the last BAPI. Should this happen
however, the second BAPI will be terminated as the program does not allow such a chain of calls.




You are backflushing for the make-to-order scenario. If the backflushis not successful, the system displays an appropriate message via the exporting parameter RETURN. If the backflush is carried outsuccessfully, the exporting parameter is filled with initial values.

The backflush is carried out for a sales order. Depending on the stockcategory (valuated or nonvaluated), the costs are collected at either a product cost collector or for the sales order.

Meaning of the parameters:

BFLUSHFLAGS: Control of the type and scope of a backflush

BFLUSHDATAGEN: Parameter for the backflush data independent of the scenario

BFLUSHDATAMTO: Parameter specifically for the make-to-order scenario

SERIALNR: List of serial numbers

RETURN: Return of an error code if the backflush could not be carried out successfully

In this module, no COMMIT WORK is carried out.

Note that a COMMIT WORK is created directly after accessing this BAPI.This means that it is not possible to use several backflushing BAPIsthat save data on the database in sequence and then only create one
WORK COMMIT after the last BAPI. Should this happen, however, the second BAPI will be terminated as such a chain of accesses is notsupported by the program.


A sales order and/or a planned order must be transferred.

You must also enter a posting date and a document date.

If the corresponding repetitive manufacturing profile is set so that anonline correction is mandatory in the event of withdrawal errors and ifwithdrawal errors occur in the backflush, the backflush cannot becarried out and an appropriate error code is recoded in the RETURN parameter.

If the corresponding repetitive manufacturing profile is set so that anonline correction is optional in the event of withdrawal errors and if withdrawal errors occur in the backflush, the system createsposprocessing records for the components which could not be withdrawn.

Therefore, make sure that the creation of postprocessing records isallowed in the repetitive manufacturing profile. Otherwise, thewithdrawal errors are not logged and a system-supported postprocessing is not possible.

The backflush number given by the system is returned to the caller via the parameter CONFIRMATION.




You are carrying out a backflush for the production by lot scenario. Ifthe backflush cannot be carried out successfully, the system displaysan appropriate message via the exporting parameter RETURN. If thebackflush was carried out successfully, the exporting parameter RETURN is filled with initial values.

The backflush is ultimately carried out for a production lot. The costs are collected at the production lot.

Meaning of the parameters:

BFLUSHFLAGS: Control of the type and the scope of a backflush

BFLUSHDATAGEN: Parameters for the backflush data independent of any scenario

BFLUSHDATAMTP: Parameter specifically for the production lot scenario

SERIALNR: List of serial numbers

RETURN: Return of an error code when the backflush could not be carried out successfully.

No COMMIT WORK is carried out in this module.

Note that a COMMIT WORK is created directly after accessing this BAPI.This means that it is not possible to use several BAPIs which recorddata on the database in sequence and then to create only one COMMITWORK after the last BAPI. Should this happen, however, the second BAPI
will be terminated as such a chain of accesses is not supported by the program.


A production lot and a plant must be transferred.

You must also enter a posting date and a document date.

If the repetitive manufacturing profile is set so that an online correction is mandatory when withdrawal errors occur and if a
withdrawal error does occur when backflushing, the backflush cannot becarried out and an appropriate error code is displayed in the RETURN parameter.

If the repetitive manufacturing profile is set so that an onlinecorrection is optional when withdrawal errors occur and if a withdrawal
error does occur when backflushing, the system creates postprocessingrecords for the components which could not be withdrawn. Therefore,make sure that the creation of postprocessing records is allowed in therepetitive manufacturing profile. Otherwise the withdrawal errors are
not logged and there is no system-aided way of postposting the components.

The backflush number given by the system is returned to the caller via the CONFIRMATION parameter.




You are carrying out a backflush for the make-to-order scenario. If thebackflush cannot be carried out successfully, the system displays an appropriate message via the exporting parameter RETURN. If thebackflush was carried out successfully, the exporting parameter RETURN is filled with initial values.

The backflush is ultimately carried out for a material. The costs are collected at the product cost collector.

Meaning of the parameters:

BFLUSHFLAGS: Control of the type and the scope of a backflush

BFLUSHDATAGEN: Parameters for the backflush data independent of any scenario

BFLUSHDATAMTS: Parameter specifically for the make-to-stock scenario

SERIALNR: List of serial numbers

RETURN: Return of an error code when the backflush could not be carried out successfully.

No COMMIT WORK is carried out in this module.

Note that a COMMIT WORK is created directly after accessing this BAPI.This means that it is not possible to use several BAPIs which recorddata on the database in sequence and then to create only one COMMITWORK after the last BAPI. Should this happen, however, the second BAPI
will be terminated as such a chain of accesses is not supported by the program.


You must enter a material and a plant or a planned order.

You must also enter a posting date and a document date.

If the repetitive manufacturing profile is set so that an online correction is mandatory when withdrawal errors occur and if a
withdrawal error does occur when backflushing, the backflush cannot becarried out and an appropriate error code is displayed in the RETURN parameter.

If the repetitive manufacturing profile is set so that an onlinecorrection is optional when withdrawal errors occur and if a withdrawal
error does occur when backflushing, the system creates postprocessingrecords for the components which could not be withdrawn. Therefore,make sure that the creation of postprocessing records is allowed in therepetitive manufacturing profile. Otherwise the withdrawal errors are
not logged and there is no system-aided way of postposting the components.

The backflush number given by the system is returned to the caller via the CONFIRMATION parameter.




The system uses the parameter CONFIRMATION to check whether a backflushalready exists in the system for this number. This is the backflush number given by the R/3 system.

If no backflush with the transferred number is found in the system, orif an error occurs, the system displays an appropriate message via the exporting parameter RETURN.

If a backflush with the transferred number is found in the system, the RETURN parameter is filled with initial values.

No COMMIT WORK is executed in this module.
