This method provides the user with further information about a G/Laccount. The system provides detailed data about the G/L account.Problems arising are returned in the form of a return code message. If you only want text to be output, you can set this using the parameter TEXT_ONLY.
NotesThe same authorization checks are carried out as take place when displaying information within an R/3 transaction. The only exception is the output of text only. In this case, only theauthorization check for the charts of accounts is carried out.
The system does not convert the input parameter COMPANYCODE, meaningthat leading blank characters within this parameter are not cleared.Likewise, no conversion is carried out for the parameter GLACCT. G/Laccount numbers must therefore be entered with leading zeros (for example, 0000113100).
Depending upon the LANGUAGE parameter, any description, in so far as itexists, appears in the desired language. Where no description exists inthe desired language for the G/L account in question, nothing isreturned and the parameter RETURN contains a warning. Alternatively,
you can also specify the language as an ISO code in the LANGUAGE_ISOparameter. The LANGUAGE and LANGUAGE_ISO parameters are optional. Inthe absence of any langauge being entered, the user's logon language isused. If both parameters are set, the system ignores the LANGUAGE_ISO parameter.
Messages are returned in the RETURN parameter, the parameter documentation for which contains the return codes and their meaning.