The Check purchase order method checks whether the data from a purchase order that is relevant forAccounting can be posted. Running this method does not generate a document or number assignment in Accounting. If a purchase order is created for material in Logistics, the expected costs are transferred to Accounting as purchase
order commitments. Depending on the Customizing settings made forcommitments, the following commitments recipients are possible: Controlling object (such as cost center, internal order, and project)Cash management and forecast
Cash budget managementFunds ManagementCash management projectNotesIn most cases, first use the Check purchase order method, and then run the method Post purchase order. Messages are returned in the parameter return. The parameter
documentation shows the return codes and their meanings. Further InformationFor more details, refer to the following documentation in the R/3 Library: Cross-Application Components -> Business Framework Architecture ->
Business Application Programming:BAPI User Guide BAPI Programming Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions ->
Interfaces to Accounting:BAPIs for Transferring Data to Accounting