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The business object Accounting Activity Allocation is an object
that is responsible for the consistent posting of activity accounting.


Among other things, this object determines the components in Accounting
in which activity accounting is to be updated. It gives you the
opportunity to initiate consistency checks as well as a corresponding posting in the respective components (delegation).



Available Methods

  • Check : FI/CO: Check activity allocation [ BAPI_ACC_ACTIVITY_ALLOC_CHECK ]
  • Post : FI/CO: Post activity allocation [ BAPI_ACC_ACTIVITY_ALLOC_POST ]




This method checks an activity allocation document.

The DOC_HEADER structure contains the document header data. The CO_AREAfield must contain the controlling area in which you want to post. Foran external number range, the DOC_NO field is intended for the document
number. The filling of the DOCDATE (document date) and POSTGDATE(posting date) fields is optional. With empty fields, the current dateis supplied. The OBJ_KEY field allows you to enter the number andorganization of a reference document (10 characters). The OBJ_TYPE field is for the object type of the sending system.

You should only fill the LOGSYSTEM field if this document belongs to anon-SAP system. You can enter a document header text in the DOC_HDR_TXfield. If you know a suitable screen variant, you can store it in theVARIANT field. Filling the VERSION field is only advisable if you are
posting on a business process, because if Activity-Based Costing isactive as a parallel accounting system, you must enter a delta version.Otherwise you can post only in version 0, which you can also set as the default.
The USERNAME field is a required field.

The document item data is transferred to the DOC_ITEMS table. This consists of:

Field name Description Optional


SEND_CCTR Sending cost center

ACTTYPE Activity type

SENBUSPROC Sending business process

ACTVTY_QTY Activity quantity

ACTIVITYUN Activity unit of measure X

ACTIVITYUN_ISO Activity unit of measure in ISO code X

PRICE Overall aty price in transaction currency X


CURRENCY_ISO Currency in ISO code X

POS_OUTQTY Posted output quantity X

POSTOUTUN Posted output unit of measure X

POSTOUTUN_ISO Posted output U of M in ISO-Code X

PERSON_NO Personnel number X

SEG_TEXT Segment text X

REC_CCTR Receiving cost center

REC_ORDER Receiving order

REC_WBS_EL Receiving work breakdown structure element

RECSALEORD Receiving sales order

RECITEM Item number in receiving sales order

RECCOSTOBJ Receiving cost object

RECBUSPROC Receiving business process

REC_NETWRK Receiving network

RECOPERATN Receiving network activity

RECRUNSCHD Receiving run schedule header

MATERIAL Receiving material

PROD_VERSN Production version of receiving material

PLANT Plant of receiving material

You must enter at least one sender- and receiver object. Alternatively,you can enter the quantity unit of measure or the currency in ISO code in the *_ISO fields.

The collected messages are contained in the RETURN structure.




This method posts the entered activity allocation document.

The DOC_HEADER structure contains the document header data. The CO_AREAfield must contain the controlling area in which you want to post. Foran external number range, the DOC_NO field is intended for the document
number. The filling of the DOCDATE (document date) and POSTGDATE(posting date) fields is optional. With empty fields, the current dateis added. The OBJ_KEY field allows you to enter the number and organization of a reference document (10 characters). The OBJ_TYPE
field is for the object type of the reference document for the sending system.

You should only fill the LOGSYSTEM field if this document belongs to anon-SAP system. You can enter a document header text in the DOC_HDR_TXfield. If you know a suitable screen variant, you can store it in the
VARIANT field. Filling the VERSION field is only advisable if you areposting on a business process, because if Activity-Based Costing isactive as a parallel accounting system, you must enter a delta version.Otherwise you can post only in version 0, which you can also set as the default.
The USERNAME field is a required field.

The document item data is transferred to the DOC_ITEMS table. This consists of:

Field name Description Optional


SEND_CCTR Sending cost center

ACTTYPE Activity type

SENBUSPROC Sending business process

ACTVTY_QTY Activity quantity

ACTIVITYUN Activity unit of measure X

ACTIVITYUN_ISO Activity unit of measure in ISO code X

PRICE Overall aty price in transaction currency X


CURRENCY_ISO Currency in ISO code X

POS_OUTQTY Posted output quantity X

POSTOUTUN Posted output unit of measure X

POSTOUTUN_ISO Posted output U of M in ISO-Code X

PERSON_NO Personnel number X

SEG_TEXT Segment text X

REC_CCTR Receiving cost center

REC_ORDER Receiving order

REC_WBS_EL Receiving work breakdown structure element

RECSALEORD Receiving sales order

RECITEM Item number in receiving sales order

RECCOSTOBJ Receiving cost object

RECBUSPROC Receiving business process

REC_NETWRK Receiving network

RECOPERATN Receiving network activity

RECRUNSCHD Receiving run schedule header

MATERIAL Receiving material

PROD_VERSN Production version of receiving material

PLANT Plant of receiving material

You must enter at least one sender- and receiver object. Alternatively,you can enter the quantity unit of measure or the currency in ISO code in the *_ISO fields.

The collected messages are contained in the RETURN structure. When the
posting has been successfully completed, the document number is stored in the DOC_NO parameter.
