This method checks a document with statistical key figures The DOC_HEADER structure contains the document header data. The CO_AREAfield must contain the controlling area in which you are to post. Foran external number range, the DOC_NO field is specified for the document number.
The fields DOCDATE (document date) and POSTGDATE (posting date) areoptional. For empty fields, the system enters the current date. The OBJ_KEY enables you to specify the number and organization of areference document (each with 10 characters ). The OBJ_TYPE type field
is defined for the object type of the reference document of the sending system. You should only fill the LOGSYSTEM field if this document belongs to anexternal system. You can enter a document header text in the DOC_HDR_TXfield. If a suitable screen variant exists, you can archive it in the
VARIANT field. It only makes sense to fill the VERSION field if you areposting to a business process. This is because if Activity-BasedCosting is active as a parallel accounting system, you must specify adelta version. Otherwise you may only post in version 0, which is also set as the default.
The USERNAME field is a required field. The document item data is transferred to the DOC_ITEMS table. This consists of: Field name Description Optional ----------------------------------------------------------------
STATKEYFIG Statistical key figure STAT_QTY Statistical quantity PERS_NO Personnel number X SEG_TEXT Segment text X REC_CCTR Receiver cost center
ACTVTYTYPE Activity type RECEIV_ORD Receiver order REC_WBS_EL Work breakdown structure element (WBS element) RECSALEORD Receiver sales order RECITEM Item number in the receiver sales order RECCOSTOBJ Receiver cost object
RECBUSPROC Receiver business process REC_NETWRK Receiver network RECOPERATN Receiver network activity The system displays the collected messages in the MESSAGES structure.With a successful posting, the system archives the document number in the DOC_NO parameter.