This BAPI is meant for internal use only for Relase 4.5A. The "AcqCheck" method is used to simulate an asset acquisition from atransfer within Asset Accounting, including the creation of the accounting document for posting. This means that all checks are run for Asset Accounting that are also
run with the "AcQPost" method. The generated document is not checked. The following parameters are only relevant if the asset for the acquisition posting has to be created. - TRANSMASTERRECDATA
NotesIt is absolutely necessary that you perform a COMMIT WORK following each call of this BAPI! To use the BAPI, you need authorization for posting to the asset class to which the asset belongsposting using the transaction type used (for more information on this
point, see the documentation for the GENERALPOSTINGDATA parameter).Messages are returned in the parameter return. The parameterdocumentation shows the return codes and their meanings.