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The Business Object Employee Availability Schedule contains
information regarding the time-based availability of employees.


All relevant time data from SAP HR Time Management (PT) is included in the employee availability schedule.


In SAP Logistics, for example, employee availability is required for the following tasks:

  • Scheduling orders with assigned persons

  • Determining workforce capacity available in capacity planning

  • 11-Dec-2005


    Available Methods

    • Build : Generates employee availability schedule [ BAPI_TIMEAVAILSCHEDULE_BUILD ]




    This method determines employees' availability on the basis of theirpersonal work schedule and any time data that represents a deviation in the schedule.

    An employee's personal work schedule is determined from the long-term work schedule in the Planned Working Time
    infotype (2003), and from the short- and medium-term changes to the planned working time in the Substitutions infotype (2003). This results in a valid daily work schedule for each day that contains detail specifications onplanned working times, break times, and overtime. An employee's
    availability can depend on these planned times, or on deviations in thedaily work schedules from the Absences (2001), Attendances (2002), Overtime (2005), and Availability (2004) infotypes.

    A list of specific times provides information on an employee's
    availability. Each entry indicates the valid availability informationfrom one point in time (date and time) to the next point in time.

    The first entry for a personnel number is always for 00:00 on the startdate of the selection period, and the last entry for 24:00 on the end date.

    A distinction is made between the following availability statuses:

  • Status 0: Employee not available
    This status is determined from
  • Breaks
  • Recorded absences (infotype 2001)

  • Special attendances (for example, attending a training course)
    You can determine the availability status in Customizing for attendances and absences.
  • Status 1: Employee available
    Applies during the skeleton time (fill time, core time) without breaks.

  • Status 2: Overtime exists for the employee
    Time is not documented for the employee and is outside of his or herplanned working time (skeleton time). The employee is not at work during this time and any work performed is usually overtime.

  • Status 3: Employee is available by telephone
    Employee has an availablity with this indicator set when Customizing the reporting types.
  • Background information on the daily work schedule and therecorded time data is output along with the availability status.

  • Time description for the daily work schedule
    01 - Overtime
    02 - Fill time / Skeleton time
    03 - Core time
  • Break indicator
    " " - No break
    1 - Paid break
    2 - Unpaid break

  • Origin indicator
    A - Absences infotype (2001)
    P - Attendances infotype (2002)
    O - Overtime infotype (2005)
  • Subtype of the infotype record (attendance/absence type)
  • If the information is changed, a new time point is inserted in the availability table.


  • For full-day absences and attendances, the times are determined so thatthe start time is either at 0 hours or, if there is a record from theprevious day that extends into the day, at the end of the relevantrecord. The end time is either 24 hours or the end time of the previous day's record that extends into the next day.

  • For absence or attendances lasting several days, the work schedule isonly displayed for the last day. The relevant periods are compressed - that is, the start and end dates are displayed.

  • Due to public holidays, there may be days off (days with day type > 0)
    although the actual daily work schedule says that the employee shouldwork. In this case, the availability status 2 (overtime) is set for the full day.
  • If there are several parallel infotype records, the system always outputs the record means the employee not being available.

  • Based on the time-based list of times, records of less than one daythat do not indicate clock times (time recording without clock times) are not taken into account.

  • 11-Dec-2005