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The Business Object Employee Time Overview creates overviews of employee time data in SAP HR Time Management
(PT) and makes these time overviews available for use by and in external systems.


Time overviews can be used as guide values in external systems to help in the recording of time data.


The Time Sheet (CA-TS) operates in a Logistics system and SAP HR Time Management
operates in an HR system. The existing time data in SAP HR Time Management is used as the basis for
recording times in the Time Sheet. Distributing the employee time overviews ensures that this time data is used.



Available Methods

  • DeleteReplica : Delete employees' distributed time overviews [ BAPI_PTIMEOVERVIEW_DELREPLICA ]
  • Get : Determine employee's time overview [ BAPI_PTIMEOVERVIEW_GET ]
  • Replicate : Trigger distribution of employee time overviews [ BAPI_PTIMEOVERVIEW_REPLICATE ]
  • SaveReplica : Distribute employee time overviews [ BAPI_PTIMEOVERVIEW_SAVEREPLICA ]




This method determines the employee time data overviews to be deleted.


The values specified in the time period and the external applicationactually determine the data to be deleted in the target system.

A list of the applicable employees is returned in the EMPLOYEES parameter.

The method PTimeOverview.SaveReplica carries out the deletion.




This method defines a time data overview for employees.

The time data determined can be used as a value guide for recording inanother system (such as in a time sheet or an external system).


An "asynchronous access" to R/3 Time Management data determined by the method PTimeOverview.Replicate
specifies the employees for whom a time data overview is to be created.

A "sysnchronous access" to R/3 Time Management data determined by thetime period entered and the external application specifies the employees for whom a time data overview is to be created.

The employees selected are returned in the EMPLOYEES parameter. A listof the time types for these employees also to be included in the overview is returned in the TIMETYPES parameter.

The time data overviews are returned in the TIMEOVERVIEW parameter.

The selected time types and the applicable number of hours are returned in the TIMETYPEVALUES parameter.

The overviews are transferred to the other systems by the method PTimeOverview.SaveReplica.




This method starts the process for creating employee time data overviews.

The time data determined can be used as a value guide for recording inanother system (such as in a time sheet or an external system).


The values specified in the time period and the external application
actually determine for which employees an overview is to be created.

The employees selected are returned in the EMPLOYEES parameter. A listof time types for these employees that is also to be included in the overview is returned in the parameter TIMETYPES.

Overviews are catual created with the method PTimeOverview.Get.

The method PTimeOverview.SaveReplica transfers the overview to the other system.

If the DELETEOLDDATA parameter is selected, then the existing data inthe database tables is deleted before the new data is saved.

If any errors occur when an employee's time data overview is beingcreated, then neither any new data for this employee can be distributednor any old data deleted. A list of all incorrect personnel numbers is returned in the ERROREMPLOYEES parameter.




This method stores the employee time data overviews in the database tables in the target system.

The time data determined can be used as a value guide for recording inanother system (such as in a time sheet or an external system).


By transferring the data to a time sheet, the data is stored in the database tables PTIMEOV1 and PTIMEOV2.

When transferring data to an external system, it is important that the data is stored in the correct database tables.

If the parameter DELETEOLDDATA is set in the method PTimeOverview.Replicate, then
the data already existing in the tables PTIMEOV1 and PTIMEOV2 isdeleted in the entire time period from FROMDATE to TODATE for all ofthe employees entered in the EMPLOYEES parameter before the new data is saved.

The method PTimeOverview.Get creates the overviews.

If the method PTimeOverview.DeleteReplica triggers the deletion of the distributed time overviews, then the datain the tables PTIMEOV1 und PTIMEOV2 is deleted in the entire timeperiod from FROMDATE to TODATE for all of the employees entered in the EMPLOYEES parameter.
