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Home> Bapi>CATimeSheetManager




The business object Time sheet manager manages time sheet data
records. It provides methods for loading records from external
applications or systems into the Time Sheet. At the same time, the data
is validated. The validated data is then written to the database table CATSDB.

Depending on the status of the data, the business object ensures that
the data is posted to the relevant interface tables of the target components.


If you select Immediate transfer to HR, the object triggers the posting of the data to the HR infotypes.



Available Methods

  • Change : Change data records [ BAPI_CATIMESHEETMGR_CHANGE ]
  • Delete : Delete data records [ BAPI_CATIMESHEETMGR_DELETE ]
  • Insert : Insert data records [ BAPI_CATIMESHEETMGR_INSERT ]




You can use this method to change time data recorded in external systems or applications in the SAP Time Sheet.

The following functions are supported:

  1. Change attendances/absences and wage types for Human Resources (HR)
  2. Change activity allocation for Controlling (CO)

  3. Change confirmations for Project System (PS)
  4. Change confirmations for Plant Maintenance (PM) or Customer Service (CS)
  5. Change external services for Materials Management (MM)


Changing Data Records

If you change records that have already been approved, the systemcancels the original record and creates a new record. The originalrecord can be identified for this purpose using the internal counter or an external document number.

If you enter an external document number for the original record, the
EXTSYSTEM, EXTAPPLICATION, and EXTDOCUMENTNO fields in the CATSDB tableare filled. If you change this record, it is identified via theEXTSYSTEM_OLD, EXTAPPLICATION_OLD, and EXTDOCUMENTNO_OLD fields. Thenew record is assigned a new document number via the EXTSYSTEM, EXTAPPLICATION, and EXTDOCUMENTNO fields.

If the records to be changed have not yet been approved, they are simply overwritten.

Posting Data Records

When you post records using this method, you should note that onlyrecords that do not contain errors are posted. If an error occurs during posting, none of the data - including records that do not
contain errors - is posted. You should, therefore, schedule data to beposted as often as possible and include only a small number of records in each posting.

You should also note that, when posting begins, all numeric fields notin use must be set to initial, that is you must fill all characters of the relevant fields with "0".


Messages are returned in the parameter return. The parameterdocumentation shows the return codes and their meanings.




You can use this method to delete time data recorded in external systems or applications from the SAP Time Sheet.


You can only delete records from the time sheet with the status In process, Released, or Rejected
. If a record has already been approved, you can simply cancel it.

Posting Data Records

When you post records using this method, you should note that onlyrecords that do not contain errors are posted. If an error occurs during posting, none of the data - including records that do not
contain errors - is posted. You should, therefore, schedule data to beposted as often as possible and include only a small number of records in each posting.

You should also note that, when posting begins, all numeric fields notin use must be set to initial, that is you must fill all characters of the relevant fields with "0".


Messages are returned in the parameter return. The parameterdocumentation shows the return codes and their meanings.




You can use this method to insert time data recorded in external systems or applications in the SAP Time Sheet.

The following functions are supported:

  1. Inserting records that generate attendances/absences and wage types for Human Resources (HR)

  2. Inserting records that trigger activity allocation for Controlling (CO)
  3. Inserting records that generate confirmations for Project System (PS)
  4. Inserting records that generate confirmations for Plant Maintenance (PM) or Customer Service (CS)

  5. Inserting records with information on external services for Materials Management (MM)


Posting Data Records

When you post records using this method, you should note that onlyrecords that do not contain errors are posted. If an error occurs during posting, none of the data - including records that do not
contain errors - is posted. You should, therefore, schedule data to beposted as often as possible and include only a small number of records in each posting.

You should also note that, when posting begins, all numeric fields notin use must be set to initial, that is you must fill all characters of the relevant fields with "0".


Messages are returned in the parameter return. The parameterdocumentation shows the return codes and their meanings.
