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Home> Bapi>EmployeeFamMemberNL




The business object EE family/persons related to employees - NL contains information on relationships, family members, emergency
addresses, etc. provided to the employer by the employee.


EE family/persons related to employees - NL consists of different
pieces of information, among others containing the type of relationship
a person has and information on that person, as is stored in infotype 21.



Available Methods

  • Approve : Unlock family [ BAPI_FAMILY_APPROVE ]
  • Change : Change Family [ BAPI_FAMILYNL_CHANGE ]
  • Create : Create Family [ BAPI_FAMILYNL_CREATE ]
  • Createsuccessor : Create subsequent family record [ BAPI_FAMILYNL_CREATESUCCESSOR ]
  • Delete : Delete Family [ BAPI_FAMILY_DELETE ]
  • Getdetail : Read family [ BAPI_FAMILYNL_GETDETAIL ]
  • Getdetailedlist : Family NL: Read instances with data [ BAPI_FAMILYNL_GETDETAILEDLIST ]
  • Getlist : Read Instances [ BAPI_FAMILY_GETLIST ]
  • Request : Create locked family record [ BAPI_FAMILYNL_REQUEST ]
  • Simulatecreation : Simulation: Create family [ BAPI_FAMILYNL_SIMULATECREATION ]




You can use this method to unlock a Family/Related Person record (0021).

It enables you to implement the "double verification principle" inconjunction with the REQUEST method. According to this principle, atleast two users must take part in writing an active record to the
database. One user creates a locked record using the REQUEST method.The other user unlocks or 'activates' this record using the APPROVE method.


Messages are transferred to the RETURN parameter. The relevantparameter documentation contains the return values and their meanings.

The key fields used by the method are described in the parameter documentation.

You can use this method only if you have called the ENQUEUE method of the business object EMPLOYEE beforehand. For more information on the ENQUEUE method, read the documentation on the function module BAPI_EMPLOYEE_ENQUEUE.

For more information on the REQUEST method, read the documentation on the function module BAPI_FAMILY_REQUEST.




This method can be used to change a data record for infotype Family/related person (0021).


Messages are returned in the RETURN parameter. This parameter documentation contains the return values and their meanings.

The key field used by the method are described under the parameters.

This method can only be used, if the ENQUEUE method is called first for the business object EMPLOYEE. You will find further details on the ENQUEUE method in the function module documentation BAPI_EMPLOYEE_ENQUEUE.




This method can be used t create a data record for infotype Family/related person (0021).


Messages are returned in the RETURN parameter. This parameter documentation contains the return values and their meanings.

The key fields used by the method are described under the parameters.

This method can only be used if the ENQUEUE method is called first for the business object EMPLOYEE. You will find further details on the ENQUEUE method in the function module documentation BAPI_EMPLOYEE_ENQUEUE.




This method can be used to create a subsequent record for infotype Familie/Bezugsperson (0021).


The husband of an employee has just been awarded a doctorate. A data record has already been maintained for infotype
Family/Related person
(0021) for the validity period 01.01.1990 - 31.12.1999.

The method CREATESUCCESSOR can be used to create a subsequent record.This subsequent record contains the data of the previous record, only the spouse's title must be added to the field Title

The previous record will be delimited on the start date of the subsequent record.


Messages are returned in the RETURN parameter. This parameter documentation contains the return values and their meanings.

The key fields used by the method are described under the parameters.

This method can only be used if the ENQUEUE method is called first for the business object EMPLOYEE. You will find further details on the ENQUEUE method in the function module documentation BAPI_EMPLOYEE_ENQUEUE.




You can use this method to delete a Family/Related Person record (0021).


Messages are transferred to the RETURN parameter. The relevantparameter documentation contains the return values and their meanings.

The key fields used by the method are described in the parameter documentation.

You can use this method only if you have called the ENQUEUE method of the business object EMPLOYEE beforehand. For more information on the ENQUEUE method, read the documentation on the function module BAPI_EMPLOYEE_ENQUEUE.




This method can be used to read the data record for infotype Family/related person (0021).


Messages are returned in the RETURN parameter. The parameter documentation contains the return values and their meanings.

The key fields used by the method are described under the parameters.




This method can be used to read the data records for infotype Family/related person (0021) that lie within the specified time interval.


Messages are returned in the RETURN parameter. The parameter documentation contains the return values and their meanings.

The key fields used by the method are described under the parameters.




You can use this method to read the keys (instances) of Family/ Related Person records (0021) which are within the specified time interval.


Messages are transferred to the RETURN parameter. The relevantparameter documentation contains the return values and their meanings.

The key fields used by the method are described in the parameter documentation.




This method can be used to create a locked data record for infotype Family/Related person (0021).

Together with the APPROVE method this can be used to realize the doubleverification principle. According to this principle at least two users
are involved in saving an active data record to the database. One ofthe users involved creates a locked infotype record using the REQUESTmethod. The other user unlocks, i.e. activates the data record using the APPROVE method.


Messages are returned in the RETURN parameter. This parameter documentation contains the return values and their meanings.

The key fields used by the method are described under the parameters.

This method can only be used, if the ENQUEUE method is called first for the business object EMPLOYEE. You will find further details on the ENQUEUE method in the function module documentation BAPI_EMPLOYEE_ENQUEUE.

You will find further details on the APPROVE method in the function module documentation BAPI_FAMILY_APPROVE.




This method can be used to simulate creation of a data record for infotype Family/related person (0021).

All the necessary consistency checks are carried out during simulation, but the data record is not saved to the database.


Messages are returned in the RETURN parameter. This parameter documentation contains the return values and their meanings.

The key fields used by the method are described under the parameters.
