
 Simplify SAP R/3 development with Excel VBA/VB RFC  




This object type is used for incoming workflows for newly created objects in the MDM scenario.



Available Methods

  • Availability : ATP Information [ BAPI_MATERIAL_AVAILABILITY ]
  • GetBatchCertificate : Quality Certificate for Batch in PDF [ BAPI_MATERIAL_GETBATCHCERT ]
  • GetBatches : Batches for Material [ BAPI_MATERIAL_GETBATCHES ]
  • GetDetail : Determine Details for Material [ BAPI_MATERIAL_GET_DETAIL ]




Using this function module, you can determine the receipt quantitystill available for a particular material in a certain plant according to ATP logic (MRPII).

The availability check is carried out on transferring the materialnumber, the plant and the input table (WMDVSX). The scope of the check,
that is, which stocks, receipts and issues are to be included in thecheck is defined by the combination of checking group (material master)and cheking rule. In the function module, the system uses the checkingrule defined in Sales & Distribution (A). You can overrule this
checking rule by using an interface or a user-exit (exit_saplw61v_001).A similar procedure is also valid for the plant parameters. Thecustomer number in the user-exit means that the plant selection can becontrolled via the customer. If no plant parameters are given via the
interface, the system uses the parameter 'WRK' saved in the user's fixed values.

The results of the availability check are recorded in the output table(WMDVEX). This table contains dates and available receipt quantities(ATP quantities). The results of the check depends on the following entries:

  • If no date and no quantity is transferred, the system displays the ATPsituation from today's date into the future as the result.
  • If only a date and no quantity is transferred, the system displays the ATP situation from the corresponding date as the result.
  • If both a date and a quantity are transferred, the system calculates the availability situation for the quantity specified.
  • In the last two cases, the parameter 'DIALOGFLAG' is supplied. This can result in the following:

  • ' ' (blank) <=> quantity completely available

  • 'X' <=> only partial quantity available or not available at
  • 'N' <=> Material not included in the availability check
    (Material not relevant to the availability check)

  • The system also displays the end of the replenishment lead time (ENDLEADTME).




    This method creates a table in MIME format. This table contains aquality certificate for a batch in edited form. Only the format PDF (Adobe Acrobat(TM) Reader) is currently supported.

    Besides the batch ID, you need to enter a customer number since the
    data in the quality certificate comes from a customer-specific view.


    Messages are returned in the parameter RETURN. The parameter documentation contains the return values and their meanings.

    If no certificate can be created, you can use the table parameter MESSAGETABLE to obtain detailed information.

    If you do not know the batch you require, you can use the method GetBatches to create a list of batches for a material.




    This method is used to create a list of batches for a material. You can restrict this list by specifying input parameters.

    For example, you can create a list of the batches whose shelf life expiration date is not yet exceeded.


    Messages are returned in the RETURN parameter.
    For the return values and their meanings, see the documentation for theRETURN parameter.

    You can combine the parameters EXPIRYDATEFROM and EXPIRYDATETO (or AVAILABLEDATEFROM and AVAILABLEDATETO) as follows:

  • If you enter an earliest and a latest availability date,
    the system selects only the batch records whose availability date is within this interval.
  • If you enter an earliest and a latest shelf life expiration date,
    the system selects only the batch records whose shelf life expiration date is within this interval.

  • 11-Dec-2005



    This method provides a selection of client-specific, plant-specific,and valuation-area-specific or valuation-type-specific detail data for a given material.

    The material number is a required parameter. If only the materialnumber is transferred, the method provides only client-specific detail data for the material.

    Plant-specific detail data can optionally be output for the material ifthe method has been provided with a plant (PLANT). The output ofvaluation-area-specific or valuation-type-specific detail data for thematerial requires a valuation area (VALUATIONAREA) to be specified.


    For the data to be read successfully, you must be authorized to display material master data.

    Messages are returned in the parameter RETURN. For the return valuesand their meanings, see the documentation for this parameter.
