Using this BAPI, you can execute structure evaluations and dataretrieval for organizational units and related objects. Starting from aroot object, with plan version PlVar, object type OType and root objectID ObjID, an evaluation is executed for key date KeyDate. The evaluation path used is determined either directly using the EvalPath
parameter or - if this is empty - the "Scenario" scenario and acorresponding entry in the data base table T77Scen_AW. The evaluationdepth (that is, how many levels of the tree starting from the root object are to be evaluated) is determined using the EvalDepth
parameter. If there is no evaluation path for the scenario in customer tableT77Scen_AW, a search of the entries in the SAP table T77Scen_AW_Syst takes place. For more information on the output parameters, see the documentation. You can specify various ABAP Queries which read and return additional
data from the R/3 data set, for all hit objects for an evaluation perscenario. These are determined per object type and scenario in table T77ScenQy. If no entry for the object and scenario is found in customer tableT77ScenQy, a serch of the entries in SAP table T77ScenQy_Syst takes
place. If NO query is to be carried out for the object, eventhoughthere is a corresponding entry in SAP table T77ScenQy_Syst, an empty entry (or no entry) is to be made in T77ScenQy. The function module that this BAPI is based on is also used by the function module RH_STRUCTURE_FOR_ORGPUBLISHER
to build the data structure with which an organizational structure can be displayed andpublished using OrgPublisher from TimeVision. Further InformationFunction module RH_STRUC_GET is used for structure evaluations.