No description is available
Available Methods
- ActgroupsAssign : Change entire activity group assignment [ BAPI_USER_ACTGROUPS_ASSIGN ]
- ActgroupsDelete : User: Delete entire activity group assignment [ BAPI_USER_ACTGROUPS_DELETE ]
- Change : Change user [ BAPI_USER_CHANGE ]
- Clone : Create a user clone using templates from other system [ BAPI_USER_CLONE ]
- Create : Create a user [ BAPI_USER_CREATE ] (Obsolete in 46A)
- Create1 : Create a user [ BAPI_USER_CREATE1 ]
- Delete : Delete a user [ BAPI_USER_DELETE ]
- Display : Display object [ BAPI_USER_DISPLAY ]
- ExistenceCheck : Check existence of object [ BAPI_USER_EXISTENCE_CHECK ]
- GetDetail : Read user details [ BAPI_USER_GET_DETAIL ]
- Lock : Lock user [ BAPI_USER_LOCK ]
- ProfilesAssign : Assign profiles [ BAPI_USER_PROFILES_ASSIGN ]
- ProfilesDelete : Delete all profile assignments [ BAPI_USER_PROFILES_DELETE ]
- Unlock : Unlock user [ BAPI_USER_UNLOCK ]
The user activity group assignments are transferred in an ACTIVITYGROUPS table. All existing assignments are overwritten by theassignments in this table. This also means that existing assignments can be deleted if they are no longer contained in the table.
Only the fields ACTIVITYGROUPS-AGR_NAME ACTIVITYGROUPS-FROM_DAT ACTIVITYGROUPS-TO_DAT must be filled. If the date of the link is not specified, ACTIVITYGROUPS-FROM_DAT is set to the current date and ACTIVITYGROUPS-FROM_DAT is set to 31.12.9999.
ExampleUser SAMPLE has been assigned the following activity groups: AGR1 01.01.98 01.01.99 AGR2 01.01.98 01.01.99 AGR3 01.01.98 01.01.99 You want to delete AGR1 01.01.98 01.01.99 and insert AGR4 02.01.98 01.03.99.
Transfer table ACTIVITYGROUPS with the following contents: AGR2 01.01.98 01.01.99 AGR3 01.01.98 01.01.99 AGR4 02.01.98 01.03.99
The method deletes all activity group assignments for user USERNAME.
You can use this method to change the attributes of a user. Theexisting attributes are overwritten by the attributes transferred tothe interface, as long as the change flag is set. The field for thechange flag has the name of the field or the structure to be changed but is extended by an 'X'.
ExampleYou want to change a user's user group 'SAMPLE' from 'SUPER' to 'TESTER'. username = 'MUSTER'. logondata-class = 'TESTER'. logondatax-class = 'X'. call function 'BAPI_USER_CHANGE' exporting username = username LOGONDATA = logondata
LOGONDATAX = logondatax tables return = return .
This method is purely technical. You need it to distribute users via ALE. Do not call this method directly. NotesUse the parameter METHOD to call one of the methods of object USER. In any case you should call the methods directly.
Creates a new user with the name USERNAME and the specified attributes. An initial password and the surname in the address must be transferred. NotesThe method is completely integrated in the central user distribution. If the method is called in a system that is part of central user administration, the method behaves as follows:
If such a group is called in the central system group, this triggers the user distribution. Input for fields that cannot be maintained in the system are ignored.If, for example, fields are also specified whose maintenance is onlypermitted locally, they are ignored in the central system when the method is called.
If you want to assign profiles or activity groups to the user youcreated, use the ProfilesAssign and ActivitygroupsAssign methods.
A new user with name USERNAME and specified attributes is created. The initial password and last name in the address must be transferred. NotesThis method is fully integrated in central user administration. When the method is called in a system integrated in central user maintenance, the method does the following:
When the method is called in the central system of this system group, user distribution is triggered. Entries for fields that cannot be maintained in the system are ignored.If, for example, fields that can only be maintained locally are transferred, they will be ignored in the central system when this
method is called. If you want to assign profiles or activity groups to users in thesystem, use the methods ProfilesAssign and ActivitygroupsAssign.
The method deltes the user USERNAME. The user assignments (profiles, activity groups) are also deleted. NotesThe method is fully integrated in the central user administration system. If the method is called in a sytem that belongs to a group for central
user maintenance, the method behaves accordingly. If the method iscalled in a central system of such a system group, the user is also deleted in the systems in which he or she is distributed.
Dialog method that displays the address data of the user in a dialog box.
No document is available
The method GetDetail returns the attributes of user USERNAME, as wellas the profiles and activity groups that are assigned to that user.
Method Lock locks user USERNAME from logging onto the system. NotesYou can unlock user USERNAME with the method Unlock. The method is fully integrated in the central user administration system. If the method is called in a sytem that belongs to a group for central user maintenance, the method behaves accordingly.
If the method is called in the central system of this type of system group, this triggers user distribution. The user is also locked in the dependent systems. The prerequisite for this is that the field maintenance attributes(Transaction SCUM) are set.
The profile assignments for user USERNAME are passed in a table calledPROFILES. All existing assignments are overwritten with the assignmentsin the table. This also means that existing assignments can be deleted if they are no longer contained in the table. Only the field
PROFILES-PROFILE must be filled. ExampleThe user has the profiles PROFILE1 PROFILE2 PROFILE3
You want to delete PROFILE1 and add PROFILE4.
Pass the PROFILES table with the following contents: PROFILE2 PROFILE3 PROFILE4
This method deletes all of the profile assignments of the user USERNAME.
The unlock method unlocks the user USERNAME, allowing it to log onto the system. NotesThe user USERNAME can be locked again using the lock method. The method is fully integrated in the central user management. If the method is called in a system that belongs to the central user maintenance, it behaves accordingly.
If it is called in the central system, user distribution is triggered. The user is unlocked in the other systems. Note that only the global lock is released. If the user was also lockedby a local administrator, a local lock exists, which may be retained.
The details depend on how the field maintenance attributes (Transaction SCUM) are set.