IM Summarization: User Exits
Background You can use SAP enhancement AAIC0002 to make further changes to the following entities (assigned to an investment program) if one is selected with its key and text during summarization for Investment Management: - Appropriation requests
- Measures
- Profit centers
- Cost centers
- Plants
- Functional locations
You use the enhancement for further processing after the selection has taken place. One of the most important changes is the key conversion for
characteristics. This is used, for instance, if the values from different systems are evaluated together and there are two characteristics that have the identical key in two different systems. Key Conversion for Functional Locations In Investment Management summarization, the "functional location"
characteristic has only 22 characters, rather than the usual 30 characters. Therefore, you have to convert the keys of all functional locations that have an ID that is longer than 22 characters. Otherwise, the selection program terminates due to an error.
Activating and Programming SAP Enhancement AAIC0002 Follow this procedure. - Add SAP enhancement AAIC0002 to an enhancement project.
Use the function Project management of SAP enhancements (CMOD).
- Create the ABAP program ZXAICU02 as an include program.
- Program the assignment of the actual values to budget categories in program ZXAICU02.
- Generate program SAPLXAIC.
Parameters You can find information about the parameters that are available in
program ZXAICU02, as well as the structure and meaning of these parameters, in the description of the interface for function module EXIT_SAPLAIC2_002. There are tables described in the interface of this function module. These are the tables that can be modified using the enhancement.
Selection for Use in One Client If you select values for replication within your own client, then certain conversions are not required that would only be necessary if you transfer values to other systems or clients. In order to differentiate between a replication within your own client and a transfer between systems or clients, you use the parameter
SELECT_INTERNAL. The parameter is set to 'X' when you are replicating entties in your own client. Conversion for Value Selection Please note: When you use SAP enhancement AAIC0002 to change the keys of the entities, you also have to make the same changes in SAP
Function/Program: - EXIT_SAPLAIC3_002: IM Summarization: Processing of Assigned Entities after Selection