Library network: Set CUA status
Overview Standard network data is stored in database tables which SAP has defined. You can use this enhancement to make your own (that is, customer-specific) enhancements to the table for standard network activities (Table PLPO). In standard network processing, you can activate your own function to
call up your own screen. On this screen, you can include your new fields in the table PLPO for maintenance or display. The enhancement CNEX0005 contains the following components: Menu entries: Function exits:
Screen areas: - SAPLCPDO 2999 CUSTSCR1 SAPLXCN1 0500
Procedure Create an enhancement project with the transaction CMOD and assign the enhancement CNEX0005 to this project.
Create your new fields in the structure CI_PLPO using the transaction SE11 (ABAP/4 Dictionary). Remember to use the naming conventions reserved for customers. Activate the structure. Please note that a table can have a maximum of 255 fields. SAP reserves the right to add new fields to the Table PLPO.
Use transaction CMOD to edit the components. To do this, you must: - assign the function "customer fields" a unique name.
- code the function exit EXIT_SAPLCPDO_002 for transferring data from the SAP application to the screen area.
- code the function exit EXIT_SAPLCPDO_003 for transferring data in the screen area to the SAP application
- create the screen area
The function exits are filled when you create the include contained in them. Double-click on the include to edit it.
Function/Program:- SAPLCNCU+CU1: Customer fields
- EXIT_SAPLCPDO_002: PS Customer Exit: User Specific Fields in PLPO (Data SAP -> SUBSCREEN)
- EXIT_SAPLCPDO_003: PS Customer Exit: User Specific Fields in PLPO (Data SUBSCREEN -> SAP)
- SAPLCPDO2999_CUSTSCR1_SAPLXCN10500: Customer-specific fields for operation