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Home> UserExit>COOMKS01



Master Data Maintenance: Cost Centers

You can enhance cost center master data with user-defined fields, which can be filled via user exits. The exits are supported by function modules in the customer name ranges, ensuring that customer changes are not overwritten during upgrades or new releases.

Note that DDIC field names hold 10 characters and fields 30 characters.

If you want to store change documents for the enhancement fields, be sure to select the indicator "Change document" in the data element.

See also OSS note number 141707 (field checks, time dependency).


Enhancement COOMKS01 includes the components:

  • EXIT_SAPLKMA1_001 -- CO-OM customer exit at PBO event in custom subscreen 0399 in SAPLKMA1.
  • EXIT_SAPLKMA1_002 -- CO-OM customer exit at PAI event in custom subscreen 0399 in SAPLKMA1.
  • Function code +CU1: Appears in the menu for the master data transactions for cost centers under "Goto" and "Additional fields..." and leads to the tab index for user-defined additional fields.
  • Screen SAPLKMA1_CUSTFLDS_SAPLXKM1: This is intended for additional fields, and only appears when you have activated enhancement COOMKS01. When you create the screen in Screen Painter, you should select the fields from the CSKS_CI structure (not: CI_CSKS). The "DUMMY_FIELD" is, however, not valid.
  • Data structure CI_CSKS: Create this structure and enter the additional fields you require. Cuation: When you define the extra screen you should refer to "CSKS_CI" (this is for technical reasons only).


There is a minimal solution, consisting of the following steps:

  • Create the CI_CSKS structure with your additional fields.
  • Structure the screen using the additional fields.
  • Create the Includes ZXKM1U01 and ZXKM1U02, as well as PBO Module STATUS_0999 with the example coding from Include LXKM1F00.
  • Activate your project.

The Includes LXKM1F01 (PBO) and LXKM1F02 (PAI) contain examples of Form Routines. You can use these routines if you prefer to encapsulate coding in Form routines, rather than entering the coding directly in the modules.

For more information on how to use enhancements, see the documentation for transaction CMOD by choosing "Utilities -> Online manual -> Function Exits".

  • SAPLKMA1+CU1: Additional fields...
  • EXIT_SAPLKMA1_001: Flow Logic PBO
  • EXIT_SAPLKMA1_002: Flow Logic PAI
  • SAPLKMA10399_CUSTFLDS_SAPLXKM10999: Individual Processing: User-Defined Additional Fields
  • SAPLKMA13399_CUSTFLDS_SAPLXKM10999: Enterprise Organization: User-Defined Additional Fields
