User Exits: Product Costing
Alternative valuation for materials from other company codes Description In costing, materials from other company codes are valuated using the pricing strategy and values in the material master of the other company code.
For further options for valuating materials from other company codes, the enhancement component can be activated. This calls up a USER-EXIT, in which the user can enter ABAP codes. The following requirements apply to the USER EXIT: - a standard cost estimate is created for legal purposes, or
- a group cost estimate is created - cross-company costing is not active - the costed structure contains materials from other company codes - the enhancement component COPCP001 has been activated Enhancements can be processed in Customizing under "Controlling -
Product Cost Controlling - Product Cost Planning - Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure - Develop Enhancements for Material Costing". Further documentation on SAP enhancement management can be found in the menu of this transaction (CMOD) under "Utilities -> Online manual".
Function/Program:- EXIT_SAPLCK21_001: User Exit for Material Valuation in Cross-Company Costing