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Configuration Customer Exits FG CUCP
This customer enhancement allows you to deviate from the standard when deleting configuration profiles, class data and classification data for configured objects.

It is possible to delete

* Configuration profiles

* Class assignments to objects (material) and

* Characteristics from classes

even if configured objects (such as sales orders) exist for this object (material).

In addition, it is possible to prevent the valuations (AUSP entries) for the configured objects (such as sales orders) from being deleted if a characteristic is deleted from a class. You need to do this to ensure that "old" configured objects remain consistent.

In addition, you must ensure that the "old" configured objects (such as sales orders) are not moved forward into the future beyond the change date, because this would lead to inconsistencies.

To work with this customer enhancement, you need to use a variant class type (such as 300) and Engineering Change Management.

Please see the documentation on the individual function modules (function exits).

From Release 4.5B, this customer enhancement replaces CCUXDELE, which was valid for Release < 4.5A.

Note on determining configured objects:

It is possible to display the configured objects in which a characteristic or class was used online from the class maintenance screen. You do this as follows:

* Transaction CL02 (acccess with class and class type)

* Where-used list

* Select Use in configuration

* Restrict to a certain characteristic, if necessary

It is possible to display the configured objects in which a configuration profile was used online from the configuration profile maintenance screen (CU42).

  • EXIT_SAPLCLDL_002: Exclude some objects during deletion in CLDL
  • EXIT_SAPLCUCP_003: Delete assignment of characteristic to class despite configured object
  • EXIT_SAPLCUCP_004: Delete assignment of class to object despite configured objects
  • EXIT_SAPLCUCP_005: Delete Assignment of Profile to Object Despite Configured Objects
