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Customer-exit(Company Loan Japan)

This enhancement is necessary for functions of loan repayment planning. It's for the infotype 0045 in Japan.

This contains two customer-exits.
EXIT_RPLLRPJI_001 is used in creating loan repayment plan.
EXIT_RPLLRPJM_001 is used in copying loan repayment plan.

Both contains functions as follows:

  1. Calculation and displaying the basic repayment plan
  2. Downloading function of repayment plan file
  3. Automatically calling Excel for editing the file
    Currently Office95 and Office97 is officially supported.
  4. Uploading function of repayment plan file
  5. Displaying the revised repayment plan


There are template source code programs for both. Please copy them.
e.g. Copy LXJLOF03 to ZXJLOU03.
Copy LXJLOF04 to ZXJLOU04.

Hints of user-extensnion
  1. The way to calculate the number of days

Currently, the supported logic is 'Ryouha ire'. If you would like to use 'Kataha ire' or 'Ryouha otoshi', you have to change the value of fields 'mfirst_day' and 'sfirst_day'. They are calculated in the form 'day_calculation'.

  1. The way to calculate amount of each deduction (in anuuity) or each
    principal repayment (in installment).

It's caluculated in the form 'amount_calculation'. The amount of them in monthly is stored in the field 'mre_cach'. That in Syoyo is stored in 'sre_each'.

  1. The way to make a basic plan shown in the first screen

If it's installment plan, the process is done in the form 'basic_installment'. And if it's annuity plan, the process is done in the form 'basic_annuity'. And 'dplan' is table of repayment plan. 'dplan' is corresponding to 'd_plan' in cunstomer-exit.

The contents of 'dplan' are as follows:

  • C1: Repayment year
  • C2: Repayment month
  • C3: Interest rate
  • M1: Deduction from salary in monthly part
  • M2: Interest in monthly part
  • M3: Principal in monthly part
  • M4: Balance in monthly part
  • M5: Interest support in monthly part
  • S1: Deduction from salary in Syoyo part
  • S2: Interest in Syoyo part
  • S3: Principal in Syoyo part
  • S4: Balance in Syoyo part
  • S5: Interest support in Syoyo part

  1. The way of interest support

For interest support, there are two options. One is to maintain directly on Microsft Excel. The other is to maintain the form 'basic_annuity' and 'basic_installment'.

The steps are as follows:

  1. Copy the form 'basic_annuity' and 'basic_installment' with dirrerent names from default form program to custom form program.
  2. Change the names of corresponding perform in custom main program.
  3. Maintain the source code in copied form to calculate interest support. But please follow the format of 'dplan'.

If it's also necessary for interest support to have numerical formula in Microsoft Excel:

  1. Copy the form 'annuity_macro' and 'installment_macro' with dirrerent names from default form program to custom form program.
  2. Change the names of corresponding perform in custom main program.
  3. Maintain the source code in copied form to calculate interest support. But please follow the format of 'dplan' and 'plan'. These two have almost same structure, but field types are different. Because 'plan' is used only for data transfer to and from Microsoft Excel.
  • The way of Step repayment
  • The result of decision on the first screen is tranfered via field 'rcode' . In case of using special loan type such as 'Step repaymemt' or 'Leeway repayment', there are two options. One is to maintain directly on Microsft Excel. The other is to maintain the form 'first_screen' and following options in 'case'.

    The steps are as follows:

    1. Copy the form 'first_screen' with dirrerent name from default form program to custom form program.
    2. Change the name of corresponding perform in custom main program.
    3. Add one line 'dyn_pushbutton_text3 = 'Step'' after line 'dyn_pushbutton_text2 = 'Edit'' in copied form. That means the value of field 'rcode' will be 3 if you push the button 'Step' on the first screen.
    4. Add one line 'when 3.' before line 'when others.' in custom main program. And between these two lines, you can write the logic for Step repayment planning. That means you have to edit dplan
      • EXIT_RPLLRPJI_001: Customer_exit(RPLLRPJI)
      • EXIT_RPLLRPJM_001: Customer_exit(RPLLRPJM)
