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Customer Exits for DevClass XICRP02
The system offers you different search helps depending on the partner function. From Release 4.6C, you can also use tasks to search for organizational units. After you have entered the task, the system uses evaluation path A204 in the Standard System to determine which organizational units can fulfill the tasks entered.

You can use this customer exit to define the rules for determining organizational units yourself.

The interface table SELOPT, which is a component of the parameter P_SHLP, contains the manually entered tasks or work determined using the customer exit ICRPP0203.

You must enter suitable organizational units in the table P_RECORD_TAB.


The parameter of this customer exit is the search help P_SHLP.

Change the table P_RECORD_TAB only.

As an example, you can use the SAP program CS_ORG02_STEP_SELECT from

  • EXIT_SAPLCS_ORG_02_002: Customer Exit: Selection of Org Units
