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User exits for Argentina
With this enhancement it is possible to modify the contents of the new Argentine fields on item level in the sales order. The fields in detail (and the sources of the proposed values) are:

- Fiscal Type proposal: master data of the payer

- Reason for zero VAT no proposal

- Good of use-Indicator no proposal

- Region for GI proposal: master data of the ship-to-p.

- Activity code proposal: master data of the payer

- CITI code proposal: master data of the payer

- CITI transaction type proposal: master data of the payer

- Distribution type GI proposal: master data of the payer

- Tax relevant classification no proposal

Available in the user-exit are the order header data, the order item data and the partner assignment table.

  • EXIT_SAPLJ1AV_005: User-exit additional argentine data in the order entry on item level
