User Exits Develop. Class KKR (Rollup)
Overview Fields can be added to table AUFK (order master data) in structure CI_AUFK (see enhancement COOPA003). If you want to use classification for these new fields, you must implement the enhancement described here. The enhancement KKRF0001 contains the following components:
- Function exit EXIT_SAPLKKRF_001
- Include CI_KKRMKOR
Procedure Use transaction CMOD to create an enhancement project and assign enhancements COOPA003 and KKRF0001 to this project. Enhancement COOPA003 is the requirement for enhancement KKRF0001.
Use transaction SE11 (ABAP/4 Dictionary) to create structure CI_KKRMKOR. Add the desired fields to structure CI_KKRMKOR. You can only add fields to structure CI_KKRMKOR that are also in structure CI_AUFK. Fields for which no classification should be possible do not
need to be added to structure CI_KKRMKOR. The fields must conform to a naming convention: The field name must begin with OR, and the remaining part of the field name must be the same as the field name from structure CI_AUFK. If you have added field ZZABC to structure CI_AUFK,
you must add field ORZZABC to structure CI_KKRMKOR. (Here you cannot limit yourself to the namespace for fields reserved for customers.) In addition, the same data element as in structure CI_AUFK must be used. Activate the structure. In function module EXIT_SAPLKKRF_001 the values of the CI_AUFK fields
can now be transferred into the classification fields. For example, when you have added field ZZABC to structure CI_AUFK, you must use the following command: CH_KKRMKOR-ORZZABC = I_AUFK-ZZABC. One such command must be issued for each field you have added to
structure CI_KKRMKOR. Do not change any field contents, execute check routines, send messages, or install other program logic at this point. Do not under any circumstances execute a COMMIT-WORK or a database write access to SAP tables! This can result in serious program errors and data inconsistencies.
Function/Program:- EXIT_SAPLKKRF_001: User exit for filling the customer-specific AUFK classification fields