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User Exits: Planned Interest Calc.
This function module can be used to read interest relevant costs/revenues or payments for all the objects which take part in the interest calculation. The function module runs through each balancing object and transfers, as an export parameter, both the object itself and a table containing objects dependent on the balancing object. As a result, the interest can be determined as you want and can be returned, in the form of a table in structure PSZIN1, to SAP standard processing. In addition, the "customer_action_only" flag can be set with the result that the standard for this balancing object does not read any interest-relevant values from the CO tables or cash tables. If the flag is not set, the standard system reads the tables too. If the flag "deact_filter" is set, the standard does not set the interest relevance
  • EXIT_SAPLHFC2_001: Planned Interest Calculation: Read from Interest-Relevant Records
