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User Exits for CATS notebook
Customer Exit MYCATS02 (Sending Customer-Specific Tables or Standard Texts to CATS notebook)

You can use the MYCATS02 to implement the following customer enhancements:

  • Use a table to transfer customer-specific tables from SAP R/3 to CATS notebook
    You can use the contents of any table for your own customer checks.
  • Use a table to transfer standard texts you have created in SAP R/3 to CATS notebook
    Users can then select the standard texts as long texts in CATS notebook.This enables you to manage frequently used long texts centrally, and save users from entering long texts manually.You must create the table as described below.The table must have the reserved name Z_PICKLIST_STND_TXT.

In both cases, you must create tables with identical structures in SAP R/3 and CATS notebook to be able to transfer data from SAP R/3 to CATS notebook.

The MYCATS02 customer exit consists of the following elements:

    Use these elements to select standard texts according to the users personnel number, data entry profile, and language.
    This element contains two fields:
    • The table_name field, which contains the name of the table in the offline repository of CATS notebook.
    • The ref_to_table field, which contains a reference to the table in SAP R/3 that you create in customer exit MYCATS02.
Transferring customer-specific tables to CATS notebook

If you want to transfer data in a customer-specific table to CATS notebook, to use it for customer-specific checks, for example, you have to proceed in the same way as you would to transfer standard texts (see below).

CATS notebook checks the name of the table you transfer using the MYCATS02 customer exit:

  • If the name of the table is Z_PICKLIST_STND_TXT, and the table has the structure shown above, the texts in the table are transferred to CATS notebook as standard texts.
  • If not, the content of the table is transferred to the customer-specific table in the offline repository, but is not used by CATS notebook. You can use it for customer-specific checks using the ITimeSheetChecker interface, for example.
Transferring standard texts to CATS notebook
  1. Create the file c_types.xml in the offline repository of CATS notebook.
  2. Define the following types in the c_types.xml file:

<type name="Z_STANDARD_TEXT" basetype="char" length="80"/>

<type name="Z_COUNTER_STD_TEXT" basetype="char" length="3"/>

<type name="Z_STANDARD_TEXT_ID" basetype="char" length="15"/>

<type name="Z_LANGU" basetype="char" length="1"/>

  1. Create the file c_tables.xml in the offline repository of CATS notebook.
  2. In the c_tables.xml file, define the following table:


<column name="STANDARD_TEXT_ID" type="Z_STANDARD_TEXT_ID"/>

<column name="COUNTER" type="Z_COUNTER_STD_TEXT"/>

<column name="LANGU" type="Z_LANGU"/>

<column name="TEXT" type="Z_STANDARD_TEXT"/>


  1. Use the CREATE DATA command in the MYCATS02 customer exit to create a table (see the example) and use the field symbols to create a reference to the table.When creating the reference, use Z_PICKLIST_STND_TXT as the table name.
  2. Enter the required standard texts in the Z_PICKLIST_STND_TXT table (see the example).
  • Note that the length of the text (STANDARD-TEXT field) is restricted to 80 characters.
  • You can create texts of more than one line by using several table entries with the same STANDARD_TEXT-ID and sequential line numbers (COUNTER field).The following convention applies:The text in the table entry numbered 000 is displayed in CATS notebook in the picklist for long texts, and not as a line of text in the input field for long texts.You must therefore create at least two table entries for each text:entry 000 for the picklist and entry 001 for the first line of text.
  • If you do not want to manage the texts in the customer exit, you can manage them in a separate database table and have them read into the MYCATS02 customer exit.

You want to create two frequently-used long texts in SAP R/3 and make them available in CATS notebook. The long texts are each one line long:

  • Court appearance
  • Personal tax compliance

You want users to be able to select the texts in the picklist using the following labels:

  • Court app.
  • Personal tax compl.

You have to implement the MYCATS02 customer exit as follows:




DATA reference_to_new_picklist TYPE REF TO data.


DATA: my_picklist_standard_text TYPE my_picklist_standard_text,

wa_standard TYPE LINE OF my_picklist_standard_text.

CREATE DATA reference_to_new_picklist TYPE my_picklist_standard_text.

ASSIGN reference_to_new_picklist->* TO <my_picklist>.

*fill standard text

wa_standard-standard_text_id = 'Text1'.

wa_standard-counter = '000'.

wa_standard-langu = 'E'.

wa_standard-text = 'Court app.'.

APPEND wa_standard TO my_picklist_standard_text.

wa_standard-standard_text_id = 'Text1'.

wa_standard-counter = '001'.

wa_standard-langu = 'E'.

wa_standard-text = 'Court appearance'.

APPEND wa_standard TO my_picklist_standard_text.

wa_standard-standard_text_id = 'Text2'.

wa_standard-counter = '000'.

wa_standard-langu = 'E'.

wa_standard-text = 'Personal tax compl.'.

APPEND wa_standard TO my_picklist_standard_text.

wa_standard-standard_text_id = 'Text2'.

wa_standard-counter = '001'.

wa_standard-langu = 'E'.

wa_standard-text = 'Personal tax compliance'.

APPEND wa_standard TO my_picklist_standard_text.

<my_picklist> = my_picklist_standard_text.


ASSIGN COMPONENT 1 OF STRUCTURE reference_table TO <field>.

<field> = 'Z_PICKLIST_STND_TXT'.

  • EXIT_SAPLTT_BASICS_002: Create Any Tables for Offline Use
