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HR Budgeting Compensation Management
In Budgeting (for example, in Compensation Management or Training and Event Management), the individual budget objects in a budget hierarchy have to be initialized or changed manually in the standard SAP R/3 System. By using a function exit together with a menu enhancement, you can also initialize/change the budget values automatically in accordance with your requirements.

To use the function exit, proceed as follows:

  • Create an enhancement project and assign the enhancement PCMP0001 that is described here to the project.
  • The enhancment PCMP0001's components are the function exit EXIT_SAPLRHBS_001 and the menu enhancement SAPLRHBS+CUS with the function code +CUS that has been reserved for it. Modify the componenets to meet your requirements.
  • Activate the enhancement project. You can initialize/change the budget objects that you selected in the budget hierarchy display in the order defined in the coding in your function exit. To initialize/change these objects, choose the correlating menu entry for the function code +CUS.

For information on the individual steps, refer to the online documentation on the transaction

  • SAPLRHBS+CUS: Import
  • EXIT_SAPLRHBS_001: Compensation Budget: User Exit for Budget Initialization
