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Customer Enhancement for Table Control
In the Time Manager's Workplace, you have the option of supplying certain fields with your own data. These fields are available as columns in the tables for time data maintenance. You can only use the fields to display information; the data is not stored in the system.

You can supply three fields with text and three fields with hours. The following function enhancements are available for defining the fields:


You can use this function enhancement to define the titles of the columns in the table. The function enhancement has the current profile as import parameter and the structure COLUMNS_TITLES as export parameter with the titles of the text and hour fields.


You can use this function enhancement to determine the field content for the individual row types.

You can define a different field content for the following row types:

  • Dominant: IM_DOMINANT
  • Personal work schedule: IM_WORKSCHEDULE
  • Time data rows: IM_TIMESPEC.

By treating the row types differently, you can determine, for example, that the dominant only displays data that is valid for the whole day or that the time data rows display other special texts you require.


The text for the receiver cost centers entered is displayed in the tables for time data maintenance.

  • EXIT_SAPLHRTIM00DVEXIT_001: TMW: Title of Customer Fields in Table Control
  • EXIT_SAPLHRTIM00DVEXIT_002: TMW: Fill Contents of Customer Fields in Table Control
