Customer Functions:Dynamic Modification
Functionality You can use this enhancement to influence the quality level selection by changing data (plant, material, vendor, manufacturer, customer, task list), for which the quality level is read. The enhancement consists of three function module exits. The interface
is identical in all cases. All transferred data can also be modified using the function module. You can use this user exit if you want the quality levels to be updated using a different plant-material-task list combination as in the
standard, when the quality level is updated after the usage decision has been made. You can use this user exit to control in which Q-level the current inspection stage is read during sample determination.
Function/Program: - EXIT_SAPLQDQL_001: Influence on Q-Level Update
- EXIT_SAPLQDQV_001: Import Influence on Q-Level
- EXIT_SAPMQDQL_001: Import Q-Level