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TR: User Exits - Correspondence Monitor
The exit enables you to change the lines of the correspondence monitor individually before the correspondence is output. The idea behind this is to let the customer decide when, for example, an outstanding counterconfirmation should be indicated with a red symbol.

To influence the sort order, you can assign an icon to the SLIGHTS field, the related text to the XSLIGHTS field, and a value to the SLIGHTS_SORT field.

If you want to distinguish between the callup functions in the exit (for example, the exit is only valid for the correspondence monitor), you can program in parameter PI_MODE. In you use the monitor, enter 'MONI'; in other cases, leave it blank. There are plans to include further values in future releases. If you require more information, see the DDIC information in the interface category.


  • EXIT_RFTBCOMO_000: Assignment of Customer-Specific Processing Status
