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Customer Exits for Standard Reporting
Function exit for determining characteristic texts in LIS analyses Description

When you call up a standard analysis or a flexible analysis in the Logistics Information System (LIS), texts for a characteristic value are determined at runtime.

Here, the domains are determined for a field in the information or evaluation structure, which is evaluated in the analysis. The text for the respective characteristic value is read with this domain in program RMCSTEXT in the routine TEXT_SEARCH_DOM. This routine contains the enhancement RMCSTEXT. If a text for the characteristic value cannot be determined by the routine TEXT_SEARCH_DOM (because you included the field in an LIS communication structure, for example) the system calls up the function exit. In this case, you can determine the text by looking it up in a separate table, for example.

In addition, it is possible to change the standard procedure for determining texts, i.e. you can define a new text determination for domains for which a text has already been determined by program RMCSTEXT in the standard system.


Domain KUNNR:

In the standard system, the name of the customer is determined by program RMCSTEXT.

You can now view the location of the customer in addition to the customer's name by progamming the text determination for the domain KUNNR in the enhancement RMCSTEXT accordingly.


If you use this functional enhancement to define a new text determination in this way, this can also affect the text determination of the following functions:

  • Project Information System
  • Shop Floor Information System
  • capacity requirements planning
  • missing parts list
    This is, however, only the case for domains used in both the standard and flexible analyses, as well as in the functions listed above.

This function exit has the following parameters:

  • Import parameters:
  1. I_DOMNAME: Domain for identification
  2. I_ROLLNAME: Data element (additional information for the field)
  3. I_FIELDVALUE: Characteristic value (for example '0001' for plant 0001)
  4. I_LANGUAGE: Language key
  5. I_TABIX_MAX: The parameter I_TABIX_MAX tells you where the current characteristic is located in the drill-down table (T_DRILLDOWN). It can be used to determine texts for characteristics, which are have a hierarchial relationship to other fields in the information structure.

Example: An information structure contains the characteristics plant and storage location. The text for storage location can only be determined satisfactorily if the plant is already known. This is the case, if you have already drilled down on plant before you perform a drill-down on storage location. You can see thid because I_TABIX_MAX is larger than the position of the plant in the drill-down table T_DRILLDOWN.

  1. Export parameters
    1. E_TEXT_SHORT: Text that is shown in the standard analysis
    2. E_FLG_HIER: Use this flag to indicate whether you have determined the text for a characteristic, which is has a hierarchial relationship to another characteristic in the info structure. If this is the case, set the flag on 'X'.

Example: Texts for storage location can only be determined by plant. The flag E_FLG_HIER should therefore be set to 'X' in the determination.

  1. Table parameters
    1. T_DRILLDOWN: The drill-down performed up till now. In the field DOMNAME, you will find the domain of the characteristics, according to which drill-downs have been performed until now and in the object field, the characteristic value belonging to it. You can use this table to determine texts which are dependent upon the contents of several characteristics. It is essential that you have already drilled down on the corresponding characteristics. Example: To determine the text for storage location, you have to know the plant. If you have already drilled down on a plant, you can use the T_DRILLDOWN table to find out the plant to which the storage locations should be assigned.
  2. Exceptions
    1. NO_TEXT_FOUND: Must be set if it is not possible to determine a text.

In the flexible analyses, it is not possible to perform a text determination that is dependent on a drill-down. For this reason, the

  • EXIT_RMCSTEXT_001: LIS: Text Determination for Characteristic (Standard + Flexible Analysis)
