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Customer Exits: EDI Inquiry Input
Enhancement VEDQ0001 makes quotation entry possible via EDI according to special customer requirements.

In total, 11 function modules from function group XVDQ are placed in the application function module IDOC_INPUT_REQOTE. The different options are as follows:

1) User exit 001

The function is called when an IDOC is imported. A call is made after every segment of the SAP-IDOC and for every additional customer segment.

2) User exit 002

After the IDOC has been imported, the screens for call transaction VA21 are determined and filled. A call is made each time a screen is determined and filled. The last of these calls is transmitted just before the transaction is transmitted.

3) User exit 003

After transaction VA21 has been carried out, the quotation texts are saved. At the same time, user exit 003 is called. This makes it possible for you to carry out further activities immediately after calling the transaction.

4) User exit 004

You can carry out closing activities for each quotation by calling user exit 004.

5) User exit 005

During mass processing, closing activities can be carried out for each quotation block by calling user exit 005.

6) User exit 006

If the quotation type is not contained in the IDOC in segment E1EDK14 in field ORGID (qualified by 018) it is possible to set it in user exit 006. If the quotation type is not set here either then the standard system setting is carried out: 'quotation type = AG'.

7) User exit 007

The number of the sold-to party can be determined in user exit 007 from the IDOC context if it is not transferred explicitly in segment E1EDKA1 in field PARTN (qualified by AG).

If the sold-to party has not yet been determined, the transmitting partner number in the control record of the IDOC is set as the sold-to party.

Also, you can call this user exit a second time to determine the sales area, if this has not been transferred explicitly in the IDOC and cannot be read from the customer-vendor table EDSDC.

8) User exit 008

In preliminary processing of the IDOC (before calling transaction VA01) errors are collected in internal table ERRTAB. These errors can occur when data is copied to segments E1EDK04, E1EDK05E1EDK18, E1EDP04 and E1EDP05, for example. Using transaction SMME you can deactivate generally by transaction code and error number. If a finer distinction needs to be made (e.g. by customer or customer group) this can be carried out within user exit 008.

9) User exit 009

In user exit 009, you can carry out customer specific checks on the IDOC data.

10) User exit 010 During processing of the IDOCs a status record is written in the internal error table for each entry. This status table can be changed in user exit 010.

11) User exit 011

At the end of user exit 011, you can change internal table ERRTAB again.

12) User exit 012

In user exit 012, you can change the internal table for configurable materials again.

Dealing with exceptions:

User exits 001, 002, 006 and 007 can cause exceptions. For 001, 006 and 007 an exception leads to the application error routine being called. In this routine, system messages are collected that lead to transaction VA21 not being called by call transaction.

For user exit 002, an exception leads directly to IDOC status 51 and returns to the status record in internal table IDOC_STATUS.

  • EXIT_SAPLVEDQ_001: 0
  • EXIT_SAPLVEDQ_002: 0
  • EXIT_SAPLVEDQ_003: SD EDI: Inquiry Inbox: Additional Sales Activities Call Transaction VA21
  • EXIT_SAPLVEDQ_004: 0
  • EXIT_SAPLVEDQ_005: 0
  • EXIT_SAPLVEDQ_006: 0
  • EXIT_SAPLVEDQ_007: 0
  • EXIT_SAPLVEDQ_008: 0
  • EXIT_SAPLVEDQ_009: 0
  • EXIT_SAPLVEDQ_010: 0
  • EXIT_SAPLVEDQ_011: 0
  • EXIT_SAPLVEDQ_012: SD EDI Inquiry Inbox: Change Internal Table Configurable Materials
